Discussion: Harvard Rescinds Admission Offer For Parkland Survivor Who Used N-Word As Teen

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Why does he want to go what they consider a liberal school? Some Baptist Uni somewhere will be glad to have him.


I very much believe that a person should not be held to account for every stupid thing they do when they were a teenager, but c’mon. Harvard’s faculty had slave owners 150 years ago. You were a little racist punk a couple of years ago. You’ve got a way to go before you prove that you have changed.


…Maybe, dude, if the horrific murders of your classmates had shocked you into an actual change in perspective, rather than doubling-down on the side which directly aligns with the hatred and racism that you previously expressed, the Harvard folks might have had some objective evidence that you were growing and learning…


Great, so now Trump is going to have to come out and threaten to personally strip Harvard of any Federal funds it receives


“My endowment is bigger than their endowment. It’s true, everyone says so.”


Kashuv called it “deeply concerning” that the school believes “someone can’t grow, especially after a life-altering event like the shooting,” he said.

More concerning, I think, is that a lucky survivor of a mass school shooting’s answer to the prevalence and madness of the violence is … wait for it … more guns.

If that’s what he calls “growing” I suggest he see an oncologist because, while I’m not a doctor (I just hope to one day play one on TV), it sure seems more like a cancer to me.


Personally I don’t think kids should even be allowed out in public until they’re about 40.


I can already hear the snowflakey RW response of “Well, after all, he was just a kid - barely out of diapers! Why, all teenagers do stuff like this!”

Oh, yeah, motherfuckers?! I never did shit like that, and I doubt the majority of teenagers never did shit like that, otherwise Fat Ass would have 93% approval ratings.

And the little prick was proud of his bigotry. I wasn’t only text’s and emails. Others at the school were a witness to his proud racism.

Have fun at Liberty University, you little jagoff.


What’s the matter with kids today, why can’t they be like we were, perfect in every way.


You’ve saved your shit for TPM posts.

Poor little racist…

His self-pitying is awesome.


Sweet. Apparently, he had already blown deadlines for accepting scholarships and other admissions offers. FUCK HIM. FUCK THEM ALL RIGHT OUT OF SOCIETY.


“Kids these days have it so good/are spoiled rotten/behave terribly”-- every generation of parents since Adam and Eve, or Bob and Jane the Dinosaur or whatever.


“My intent was never to hurt anyone, and to do so would have magnified the harm immensely,” he said. “I also feel I am no longer the same person, especially in the aftermath of the Parkland shooting and all that transpired since.”

Kashuv has emerged as a conservative activist since the Valentines Day mass shooting, pushing a conservative alternative to ending school shootings. He gave a speech at the NRA’s 2019 leadership forum, pushing to arm teachers and get rid of gun-free zones, pro-Second Amendment platforms embraced by President Trump.

This is the meat right here. I never meant to hurt anyone-except calling someone a racial slur is hurting not helping. You don’t have to say to someone’s face for it to cause harm.

Dude pushing for gun-free zones won’t help anything. I’m already in a state the allows conceal carry without training or permit. And you should know that one doesn’t have to be shot to be harmed by a shooting incident. If everyone pulls their gun when in the situation that you were in how does law enforcement know who started the shooting?


Because he wants to be one of those elites who makes a living pooping on elites and reinforcing the grievances of the deplorables. Like Ross Douthat.

One aspect of this will be a lifetime of grievance & victimhood that he will figure out how to monetize.


Bye, Bye Birdie, a musical from about a hundred years ago.


You know, I was going to give the kid some slack while suggesting that Harvard maybe over-reacted…but then I clicked the link and actually read what he posted :open_mouth:


:woman_shrugging::rofl::woman_shrugging::rofl::woman_shrugging::rofl::woman_shrugging::rofl:Don’t be racist next time.


Best lesson you will ever learn and you don’t have to go to Harvard to get this little pearl of wisdom.

Actions have consequences.

Unfortunately, you turn to Twitter to whine and bitch that your being a dumb ass cost you, big time.

You’re biggest take away is you missed out on other offers. I’m sure Liberty University will come to your rescue and the NRA will fund your education.

Oops, they can’t. They are bankrupt in more ways than one.

You have learned nothing, particularly humility. Your fifteen minutes were up long ago.

See ya!