Discussion: Harry Reid To GOP: Come At Me

Discussion for article #222110

If all the eligible voters that know the GOP is ignoring their needs would actually VOTE, the GOP would be finished as anything more than a scattered regional party. That remains the biggest problem we face: the wingnuts always vote. The people they harm far too often don’t… which helps give the wingnuts power to put ever more obstacles in the way of voting for anyone but themselves.


Give 'em hell, Harry. He can even use Truman’s response, “I don’t give them hell, I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s hell.”


I wish I could make a bumper sticker of your post and distribute it.
100% of the problem is that the old, hateful, racist people will ALWAYS have a more natural tendency to vote (nearly always Republican), rather than more progressive younger people–who still have not been able to fathom that voting matters.


What was the tipping point that pushed him over the line to being all bad ass?

For years I thought of him as a backroom dealer, inside baseball kinda guy, now he’s the new sherrif in town, come to clean things up.


Win or lose, Harry, we need more Democrats to speak out with courage rather than caution. If they don’t, they are enabling the country’s regression at the hands of ignorant, racist republicans. Stand up and force the media to acknowledge the truth and to stop sniffing around facts just to make the republicans sound rational. Go for it Harry. Internalize Truman, like another commenter tweeted, “I don’t give them hell, I just tell the truth about them and they think it’s hell.” If you don’t stand up to these obstructionists, Harry, the media never will.


Harry’s finally got the gloves tied on. Time to take the baggers around the ring for a few rounds.


Unfortunately you and a lot of people have underestimated Harry Reid. This guy ran the Mafia out of Las Vegas when he was on the Gaming Commission. He stood them down and then blinked. Harry is no shrinking violet. Just because he comes off as soft spoken, he should not be underestimated.


Where the Hell was this Harry Reid in 2009-2010? Don’t get me wrong, very glad to have him now. Just could have used him a couple years ago.


Give em Hell Harry! OK

I’m told the three things which motivate voters the most are fear, hate and hope. I think we know which party has which.

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He was up for re-election himself. He knocked out Sue Lowden in her own primary then spun Sharron Angle around in circles. Neither knew what hit them until it was over.


“C’mon guys. You know where I am. Come and get me. I DARE you.”

I couldn’t believe it when Lowden shot herself in the foot with the chicken remark. she even had a chance to take it bacl and shot herself in the OTHER foot instead.

Then they went and nominated Angle. The Reid camp probabky could not believe their luck when they picked THAT kook.

Then she blows a SURE THING.

Gawd, I love this new and improved Harry Reid. Not only is there now 50% more Harry Reid by volume, he’s tougher and stronger, and definitely built to last. I’ll take two Harry Reids to go please…

He’s talking my kind of language. Its delicious.


Yes it is delicious. Maybe he walk the recipe over to the WH and show the president how it’s done!

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Seems to me the WH knows exactly how its done, and aren’t in the slightest bit timid in showing the rest of the party how its done either.


He’s not improved.

His caucus is.

Harry’s always been great. But he used to be dragging Lieberman, Conrad, the jerk from Nebraska, Baucus…

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Keep it going Harry, keep it going. Now, if the Dems who are actually up for re-election follow his lead, I’d like our chances to grab the House a lot better.

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