Some people just can’t learn. “never speak bad of another Republican”, Ronald Reagan. And that worked. The GOP has worked more on it’s image and entrenching itself than anything American. And it worked. They now have the whole show. All of it. The Presidency, both Chambers of Congress and soon SCOTUS. Most States too. And they’ve bent the minds of Americans enough that ditching SS, whacking MC and shit canning public schools for religious schools doesn’t phase us anymore.
Never speak bad about another Republican. Perhaps someone should edit that idea, put Democrat in it and sent to the dipshit Senator from Nevada. He’s on his way out. What in the hell does he think he’s helping ragging on a Democrat from Coal Country? The only Democrat from Coal country. Can’t he just STFU and go sit on his porch?
I agree with 100%. Manchin’s stances on a whole host of issues drives me nuts, but I also am able to realize he’s the best we could hope for out of that state, in this day and age. In fact, its kind of a miracle he won re-election when he did a few years ago, democrats really have no business winning statewide federal races in that state, which has become more and more of a Trump dreamland.
I’ll take his terrible positions on energy, coal, the environment, climate change and his too eager a willingness to compromise with republicans on many or most issues over a right-wing nut job any day, if his vote helps to block a Medicare privatization scheme, a gutting of Medicaid, a repeal of the ACA and sometime in the future is a vote to make liberal democrats chairman/woman of senate committee’s, including on committee’s with jurisdiction over areas where Manchin is most conservative. At this point we really can’t afford to loose anyone in the senate democratic caucus. We’ll likely loose several in 2 years, making it even harder to win back a majority in 2020.
Other than Manchin, I’ve also been increasingly worried about Heitkamp. There was a report last week in politico that she was the frontrunner for Secretary of Agriculture and were she to leave the Senate, democrats would really be screwed on a replacement with a Republican Governor and no obvious dems for a special election. Though Reid’s thinking here makes me feel a little better in this regard, as does a report I saw earlier today saying Trump’s closest rural advisors are pushing back strongly against her being appointed as Sec. of Ag.
Put Old Joe in charge of buying Epi Pens. He can mandate that every school has an Epi Pen for every student. That way he can ensure his daughter makes even more money. Tell me again he is a D without laughing.
Unless the Governor of WV is also a Democrat, we really can’t afford to have him leave the Senate or switch. Maybe Reid is doing this to try to call him out so that he gets embarrassed into NOT leaving?
Trying to shame him is just a way of nudging him into the Republican Caucus and Reid knows it. I have no idea what he’s about here, but I can’t imagine that Schumer isn’t in on it. Just not Harry’s style to go out of fucks to give rogue.