Discussion: Harry Reid Says Comey’s ‘Partisan Actions’ May Have Broken Federal Law

I love it. Thank you, Senator Reid! Keep hammering away, sir – you and all other Democratic elected officials. I’ve already voted, as has many other Charlottesville citizens. I am encouraging other like-minded folks who are registered to make sure they vote. SCOTUS is my top priority.

Comey needs to come clean. I demand he divulge all of the current, pertinent details of the Russian hack-Donald Trump connections. I also demand we be made aware of the details of his debts to Russian citizens and other Eastern Bloc nationals.

Additionally, I believe the media need to start reporting on the upcoming trials of Donald J. Trump: 1) Rape; and 2) Trump University fraud.


Why have the media basically dropped the Russia/Trump story?


Honestly, I believe because he and his lawyers have warned them he will sue them for years to come.

ETA: Perhaps the NYT should help lead the way, since they claimed they’d like him to bring it on.


Good point. We have the example of the ABA folding to Trump without him lifting a finger.


Yes! And that amazed me. Shocking, to say the least. It’s not like they don’t know the law and a few excellent lawyers who would work pro bono.

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Would they really look at the emails without a warrant?
Not sure about that. Also, the agents who held the computer for several weeks were working a separate case.

At what point did sending a letter to 8 Republicans become “informing Congress”?



  1. We need a horse race
  2. Our news reporting model : Quick look over there shiny Object
  3. Democracy? Fuck that shit . We need eyeballs .

Harvard Law School professor Laurence Tribe, among many others, have agreed to represent pro bono not only the ABA but anyone else sued by Drumpf for speaking the truth.

He was on Last Word last week. It was a very interesting interview. I tried to link to it but it wouldn’t work.

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Yeah, I’m not sure of exactly how all of that played out. Did the FBI field office in NY have the device (due to the Weiner case, presumably) but then suddenly drop the news in the ‘IN’ box of the Director, informing him, “Hey, look! – We’ve got “emails” that mention Hillary Clinton!!” But they didn’t actually read them? Nor even inform Comey what was in them? Very careless – and deliberately so. Even if that particular field office was full of agents who wanted to prosecute HRC (but was rebuffed by Comey last summer), this whole things make no sense. Logically speaking, if they had read them (and I fully believe they did) and knew there is no ‘there’ there, why would they withhold even the knowledge the damn things exist from Comey until now – other than to dupe him into notifying the assjerks in Congress (like he swore to his god he would, by his own account) that there “might be something pertinent?” There is a whole lot more here besides Comey just being a dupe or being a partisan hack. He really needs to come clean ASAP.


I don’t see it your way.
If the agents are sure there is nothing in the emails, the only way to get mileage out of the mere existence of the emails is to put out some information close to the election date.
It’s possible that Comey wrote the letter when he did to prevent FBI agents from leaking later when it could do the most damage.

Well this is awkward, here I was incensed with the Oregon Jury’s Nullification antics when It’s confirmed that the FBI has become YAARP (Yet Another Arm of the Republican Party). Nullify away. Wonder what Our newly renamed FBI will look like when they cashier (sans pensions) everyone there. When you look back with nostalgia at Hoover’s tenure you know you are F**KED. Maybe Comey should try cross-dressing to win back trust.

So, now the FBI is in league with Russia? It’s comically pathetic how desperate the Democrats are to distract people from the content of these revelations. It’s a good thing Reid is retiring - he seems to have gone a bit nutty.

You could retire from TPM. You misread what Reid wrote.


In my mind, partisanship was first and foremost in the minds of the agents and very probably Comey. The exact details will be interesting to hear, but the damage is done – and it’s fully unfair to the American people for him (and them) to have put their personal animosity before rules and law. Now that they’ve fucked up–and royally so–I want it all. I want to know just what led to this and I also want them to dump on us what they know of Donald J. Trump, his and and his people’s Russian ties. I am sick to death of these fuckers. I want them to pay and pay dearly.


MonkeyNozzle is right! These horrifying revelations that the Bush II (The Nighmare on Pennsylvania Avenue) batch of 22 MILLION emails was on the laptop of a guy named Weiner (giggle) is super impressive.

Comey, has prostituted himself and the FBI by assuring that he has a present for the GOP unfortunately it can’t be opened till after the election. I hope he burns in hell.

For some reason the embedded link to Reid’s article is linking to a CNN article about the letter.

There needs to be a full investigation and not just under the Obama administration, this will need to continue through and into the next administration.

I also want to know what Jason Chaffetz’ role and legal responsibilities and limits are, because I get the sense he played a much larger part than is currently getting attention. The little his name has been brought up it’s that he might have known about these minor emails before Comey, which means he knew about a leak in the FBI, covered it up, then might have leaked the illegally gained information himself to Comey.


I’m fully with you – investigations are called for. I, too, think that Chaffetz dude is covering something up – it’s a gut feeling, I know, but the details are all over the board here and I’m also very pissed at how it’s being handled.