Discussion for article #223712
Of course!
Well… the devil is in the details… and I really can’t see the NRA letting any meaningful ‘sanity check’ actually make it into law. It quite possibly might mean that some responsible body might actually have to start asking questions of potential gun buyers and they would want to have full veto power over those questions. Could you imagine what it would do to their sales if it was found that there was a positive correlation between the potential to do violence on another and tea-party membership? I can imagine that they would want a way to prevent any such politically incorrect correlations from even being studied. After all… they know their membership better than the government does.
I submit that they may have at one time given lip service to allowing some kind of ‘sanity check’ prior to allowing a firearms purchase but they have since come to their senses and know that such a hurdle could ruin them. After all, in order for the ‘paranoid pitch’ to work, the target audience has to be a little bit nutz already.
Only a cretin like Reid could come up with something this stupid and flat out ignorant. Background checks to stop criminals and the deranged from acquiring guns are already in place. What has Harry Reid done as Senate Majority Leader to have the insane and deranged added to the backgrounds checklist? Can someone please explain to him that if the mentally ill aren’t on a list, background checks do not work?
You’re wrong.
Harry, Harry, Harry.
Gun control doesn’t work; look at all the shootings in Chicago!
The only thing that stops a bad guy with a gun is a good guy with a gun.
When guns are outlawed, only outlaws will have guns!
Guns don’t kill people, people kill people!
We already have gun laws, which proves that no gun law, or any law of any kind, has ever worked at all.
Criminals don’t obey laws, so more laws won’t help.
If everybody in Las Vegas had been packing, this could have been avoided.
You know who else wanted to expand background checks? Hitler!
So, not only do we not need to have more gun laws, we need to get rid of all the laws have, see? Only then will we truly be free.
Or something.
Gun deaths by:
United States
2011: 32,163
2010: 31,672
2009: 31,347
2008: 31,593
2007: 31,224
2006: 30,896
2005: 30,694
2004: 29,569
2003: 30,136
2002: 30,242
2001: 29,573
2000: 28,663
1999: 28,874
2011: 188
2010: 224
2009: 222
2008: 232
2007: 237
2006: 246
2005: 212
2004: 234
2003: 287
2002: 292
2001: 326
2000: 324
1999: 347
A 2012 analysis of how handguns are sold in Michigan, the Michigan State Police reported that 48 percent of all handguntransfers in the state are conducted through private sales where no background check is required. Criminals in particular tend to seek weapons from sources where they are not subject to background checks - only 11 percent of inmates incarcerated for gun crimes said that they got the weapon from a licensed gun dealer, according to a 2004 survey.
Data from the gun industry itself also suggests sales without a background check are commonplace. According to 2010 data from the National Shooting Sports Foundation, only 45 percent of assault weapon owners reported buying their firearm from a retail location, including independent and chain retail stores. Approximately half of respondents reported buying their firearm from venues where a background check is not required, including over the Internet, from gun shows, or through a face-to-face sale.
That’s why stricter gun controls and bans on certain types of guns will be the norm in the future.
I see that someone called you a cretin several hours ago and that you’re already able to use it in a sentence.
NICE GOING!!!112q/21-wacka-wacka!!,waq32-1€,
I see you noticed that the post is about guns, and probably read the headline all the way through. But when you get a chance, read all the way down to the fifth paragraph, which starts like this:
It has been nearly 14 months since legislation to require background checks for firearm purchases at gun shows and Internet sales fell to a Republican-led filibuster
Then we can further discuss stupidity, flat-out ignorance, shoes, and ships, and sealing wax, and whatever other inn-teresting subjects come up. Have a lovely evening, and may visions of sugarplums dance in your head.
According to NPR, the Journal of Patient Safety reported last year that between 210,000 and 440,000 patients each year who go to the hospital for care suffer some type of preventable harm that contributes to their death.
Using your data, there were an average of 30,511 gun deaths a year between 1999 and 2011. So, on average, deaths from preventable medical errors outnumber deaths by guns by almost a 7:1 ratio.
Ok Fool. you can do basic math. But what point are you so feebly trying to make? And failing pitifully I might add.
Nice false equivalency though…one of the more far-fetched any of us have ever seen.
yeah well two good guys with a gun are dead now. and they were trained to use their gun on the nut cases that killed them. So your good guys with a gun argument is void !
May I say respectfully that you seem to miss Lestatdelc’s point. It’s not relevant that more people die, if indeed they do, from preventable harm inflicted in hospitals than die from gun violence in the United States. The point is that vastly more people die of gun violence in the United States than die from gun violence anywhere else in the fucking world. In that situation you typically ask what’s different about the United States. And what’s different is our gun laws. Understand more better now?
One thing about the Las Vegas rampage du jour we haven’t talked about much is the concealed-carry person who confronted the male shooter at the Wal-mart. I’ve criticized people who fantasize about taking out bad guys as much as anyone, but this person really took that step, and it required courage on his part. Unfortunately he wasn’t aware of the female shooter, who came up behind him and shot him in the head. It’s just one particular incident and doesn’t prove an awful lot, but staying on top of things and making good choices in a running gun battle takes an incredible array of skills and if you’re not trained to have that tactical awareness and the appropriate responses it can go badly in an instant. If that man, brave as he was, had not chosen to be a good guy with a gun, he’d be alive. As it is, he’s dead and the outcome was worse than it might have been. Peace to his soul, and to his family and friends.
Have to wait until ’ Joe the Plumber ’ has killed all the children before anything happens .
My entire post was intended as sarcasm. Did you really think I was proposing that we eliminate all laws?
I guess Poe was right.