Discussion: Harry Reid Lauds Ruling Canceling Redskins' Trademarks

Discussion for article #224065

Why not the Washington Warriors?


Not a bad suggestion. And I tend to think that there are many suitable names available that would be much better than the racist moniker the team has now.

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Harry Reid: Trademark Ruling Shows ‘It’s Just A Matter Of Time’ Until Redskins Name Is Gone

That works also for you Harry, only a matter of time. It’s going to be either elections or…life. Either way, good riddance!!!

Way to take the high road, there, L.


it’s just a matter of time

But there is no longer an elegant way for Dan Snyder to ‘change the name’ and that serves him proper.

If the owner of the skins had a hair on his ass, he’d name the team the Mosquitoes. Washington Bloodsuckers. LOL

The Washington Wankers. Oh wait…that’s Congress.

Good on ya again, Harry!

Now, when will the Senate take up the matter of the NFL’s antitrust exemption and its tax-exempt status?

Also, how are the plans to reintroduce the Manchin-Toomey gun bill for a Senate revote coming along? The shock from these latest killings will not last forever; nor will they be the last American killings by obviously deranged shooters. The time to hesitate is through, Harry!

Harry Reid will be Senate Majority leader in 2014 -2016 2018 and 2020 if h chooses, but you, Libs, will be irrelevant today tomorrow and always