Discussion: Harris Announces She Will Co-Sponsor Bernie Sanders' 'Medicare-For-All' Bill

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Thank you, Senator Harris. More of this Democrats. Make a positive difference in the lives of average Americans while saving money overall.


Could it be? Sen Harris joining the Sanders’s Camp?




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No, she’s trying to appeal to Bernie Sanders supporters.


Anything that helps create a viable, competent 2020 Democratic candidate, below the age of 60, is fine with me…


This should help shut up the online idiot brigade who think all black Democrats secretly worship Reagan.


Clearly, someone hacked her Twitter account.

As we’ve been told ad naseum, she’s just another corporate shill.

Who protects Wall Street cronies.

(Or something.)


The outlet reported Tuesday that Sanders said he would introduce a bill lowering Medicare’s eligibility age to 55, from 65, “shortly.” “That is one way to phase it in,” he said of the incremental step.

So now Sanders is taking Clinton’s position? She proposed this last August and was pilloried by some on the left for being an incrementalist.


Taking what you can get while calling for more is different from calling for incrementalism in the first place.

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Good luck, talking sense to a moderate Democrat is only slightly less frustrating than talking to a Republican.


Maybe she is trying to move the country forward a step or two?


Great but is just a show bill.

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Speaking of the Senate. And now for something completely different (and off topic) -

A Greenland shark that looks a lot like Mitch McConnell


You are right but show bills are how Senators lead. Show bills are discussed by the talking heads, by people like us and by people at the dinner table. Once the topic has enough support, it becomes much easier to pass the final bill. The ACA’s survival proves the American people now believe health care is a right for all people not just those in Congress. It is time to move on from the ACA to something more efficient and less expensive to the society over all. Like the ACA itself lowering medicare to 55 is an incremental step, but it might not be necessary after the Republicans failed attempts to destroy the ACA.

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Is he rushing away from or toward Captain Donald Ahab?

@ronbyers Ideally it will convince think tanks to assess various options for universal coverage. When Dems retake power they’ll need a full road map so they’re not reduced to Ryan/McConnell-style lying to constituents and colleagues. I still hold that a Medicaid buy-in option (like the one Sen. Schatz is putting forth) is the best option for now, but if there’s a smart way to finance Medicare-for-all I can get on board.


You are right but I think tanks are overrated. For the most part they are just lobbying shops promoting corporate interests in a slightly different way. If you pay attention to who funds a think tank you can predict their positions with a high degree of certainty.

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And there it is…

This is a water downed version of what Hillary was proposing during the campaign, which Bernie and people like you decried her for being “incremental” and a shill sell out.

But suddenly Bernie proposes a weaker version of it, and WOW!! Its the best thing since sliced bread. And when a black woman co-sponsers it, we get this.

Its almost like only white men are allowed policy positions or something…


“Call me Ne’er-do-well.”


And there it is…

No, here it is. Still making shit up. Wrong again Mr. Jones.

With Sanders’s it’s Medicare-For-All. And with Clinton, it’s Medicare-For-Some.


And from Hillary’s website, not one mention of Medicare For All.


Its almost like only white men are allowed policy positions or something…

No, white women (and men/women of any color/creed) are allowed policy positions as well. And no politician has more policy ‘positions’ - even on the same policy - than HRC. TPP comes to mind. I know, she was ‘evolving’ her position on that.

Waiting on clare…3…2…1.

ETA: So, am I no longer an ‘asshole’? But the Trump voter was really a low blow.

You totally are. And a pretty dumb one to boot.

Medicare for All is a phrase that Sanders coined. So of course Hillary didn’t use it. But her proposal was more expansive than this one. Which, again to point your stupidity, using the phrase “Medicare for Some” just highlights it.

Read the damn bill being proposed. It merely lowers the age for Medicare 10 years. It’s a step, but its not “Medicare for All”…ie, an actual public option, which is where we should be driving things once we take back Congress. Hillary has been talking about a public option for years.

But of course, to a snide asshole like you, it only counts when people use the old white man’s words, not their own.