Discussion: Harney County Sherif On Standoff: 'This Cannot Happen In America'

“Don’t be lazy TPM. What was their list of demands they gave him?”

@ottnott, Jeffrey, edhedh reddy6ue Cows. Lotsa cows to defile 'cause these guys have no chance with virgins, be it 1 or 72.

“Refuge occupants are free to leave if they give their names as they exit, Bretzing said.
Bloody Beaver
Nature Boy”

“Randy Quaid”
“Beastly Boy”
“Mary Juan Ahhh”
“Crystal Methodopolis”

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It’s possible that many of the residents and law enforcement there are in agreement with these renegades. I think they all need to wake up and realize their feelings can be submitted via the ballot box and state laws, but that militia-style pursuits will all be deadly. Now would be a good time to wise up.

And taxpayers will be stuck with the bill.

I think ‘indicated’ might be the best option, myself.

Like fish…