Discussion: Hannity: Texas Cop Drew His Gun After Teens Were 'Provoking' Him (VIDEO)

And let’s take your accurate observation one step further. What major political party slavishly tongue-bathes these “liberty loving, tyranny-fearing, gun-hoarding, totally-not-racist tea party patriots?” Which major political party do these “patriots” support with no discernible exception? Which major political party is well on its way to destroying the independence of the judiciary in Kansas and Wisconsin?

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I still want to know who that big white guy in the shorts is who just stands by and watches.


Those were assault rifles in the trunks of those black males, donchaknow…

Hannity is a well known stone cold dyed in the wool racist if he said anything but what he did I’d fall over from shock.

FUX News is slipping. They haven’t blamed this on the President …YET!


The police chief was quoted on camera as saying the officers actions were “indefensible”…so sure lets take a an ideologically challenged news hack’s word as definitive…

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I despise Hannity. I’m clear-headed on the incorrigible fact that there is institutional racism in our law enforcement and in just about every structure in the U.S. It seems obvious that this officer did a piss-poor job of de-escalating the conflict at this teen pool-party, and it’s a good thing that he removed himself from that career. The video was disturbing. However, reasonable or not, the officer felt threatened in the chaos when those two teen boys aggressively approached him from his right side (even if the chaos was largely the officer’s fault.) It doesn’t matter that they were teens, and it doesn’t matter that it was a pool party. Teens can be every bit as reckless and foolish as adults in a chaotic emotional event like this one. Still, it seems like the officer’s incompetence is what’s mostly responsible for the escalation of this conflict.


Last week I was told that a 14 year old could not be held accountable for a crime–duggar This week we are told a 14 year old deserves police brutality…McKinney…

Ratty and Obilo and faux christian taliban are idiots


No one is born a prick. It takes training.

Naturally, provoking a cop is grounds for execution, in Foxland at least.

And that is enough to have a gun drawn on somebody? With backup a few feet away? If he were alone in this situation I would buy it, there were at least two other police officers there.

Also, I would concede that the kids there were acting like punks with regards to listening to police demands. It is still not a reason for them to have a gun drawn but they were not really acting well.

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The chief obviously did not think the officer was threatened enough to pull his gun. Another police expert who viewed the video noted very clearly that the “aggressively” approaching teens were in fact backing away before the officer drew his gun.

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Let’s start the day with the entire poem.

Aping urbanity
Oozing with vanity
Plump as a manatee
Faking humanity
Journalistic calamity
Intellectual inanity
Fox Noise insanity
You’re a profanity


Using the “Hannity Standard” the law inforcement personal at the Clive Bundy ranch would have been justified in shooting Bundy and his gun toting accomplices.


Pretty soon they were gonna brandish some wet towels and slap the cop.

The French Bain de Soliel could be considered a chemical weapon!

I wonder why the other officers on the scene didn’t feel threatened?

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Conversely, why wouldn’t Hannity and the NRA encourage the folks at the pool party (or the parents) to arm themselves for protection against the government jack-booted thugs? What about the Open Carry Texas group? Why aren’t they encouraging the pool party guests, or their parents, to open carry at the pool? For some reason, none of this is happening. I wonder why?


Seems to me that the only time a cop should pull out their gun is if their life is in danger. Clearly that was not the case here. A gun should not be used as megaphone to amplify what you are saying to someone.

Yet no proof of the cop being “provoked” since the tape was ran w/o audio. This shit just makes fox news viewers larger idiots.