Hannity: “Actually, some garbage is good for you.”
What a pliable stooge!
Actually, when you think about it, it’s a huge win over the Radical Left. Bigly win! Maybe the biggest ever!
Hammity is admitting that Spankee is in deep doodoo if he balks this time and causes another shutdown. And that WALL! as a call to arms is only going to result in a big loss if they don’t shift course at the cost of making Coulter & Co furious.
(Hammity smells that veto in the wind. And understands that Spankee’s neck would be broken by that.)
So they’re re-messaging the loss as a win.
“The President has every right to be angry,” - at himself.
No matter the spin…they got got this time.
Well-fed wimp. Ann Coulter must be so ashamed.
Ok, Hanniyt got the memo. Lets see Coulter and Limbaugh. Rush will play along, Ann Coulter has developed a taste for insulting Trump so she probably wont.
Scared of losing viewers if he encourages another shut down? Getting older and going soft kind of go hand in hand…literally.
Put lipstick on Hannity and what have you got?
His viewers, the minions, won’t leave him anymore than they’ll leave Trump. Trust me on this.
Sean,ya dolt, there is no “border emergency”. But, there does seem to be a vanity emergency. trump’s wall is meant as a monument to himself and nothing more.
“Look!! Nobody has one a them!!!”
trump gets the go ahead from his boss.
Slumlord Sean raking in the Section 8 cash…
Elections have consequences, right, Sean me boy?
Really sticking to your principles, eh Sean?
She will be moved to write yet another cookie cutter right wing spite monologue. Remember P.J. O’Rourke during the first Reagan Administration? Same shit, all those current generation of youthful Tucker Carlsons, Zinkes, JoScars, Paul Ryans, Bret Kavanaughs, passing around the crap book du jour at the gym and frat house. “Learn English, motherfuckers!”, “Get a job, motherfuckers!”
Sean, didn’t your mother ever tell you it’s not polite to talk with your mouth full?
Hannity doesn’t even wait to wipe his chin before speaking to the Amuricam public on this.
Republicans fall in line with dear leader; Hannity knows he has to back up Trump if he still wants those midnight phone calls to keep coming. He doesn’t want to get “unfollowed” like Coulter.