Discussion: 'Hannity' Guest: Jon Stewart Has 'Blood On His Hands' For Spring Break Gang Rape

Discussion for article #235314

Only people with blood on their hands for the Spring Break stuff is FOX News because all they preach is the idea of male superiority, rape apology, and murder apology so long as you’re white. Watch, if these alleged rapists are white, Hannity and FOX are going to whine about how their lives are being ruined by the crime being persecuted.

Speaking on the other side of it…if someone would take on the debacle of last night’s Nightly Show, that would really be nice because there were some truly offensive things said last night involving rape and transsexuality by one of the guests.


If there was mandated jail time for “crimes against logic,” the entire Fox team would be incarcerated for multiple consecutive life terms without possibility of parole.


Hannity is obsessed with rape and preaches that woman are not equal to men and if they get raped they deserve it by going where men are, and men pick up on that. So, who promotes rape the most, Jon Stewart by pointing out how obsessed Hannity is about rape or Hannity with his obsession on rape?


Fox News spring break coverage is ludicrous.

Therefore Jon Stewart is responsible for anything that happens on Spring Break.

Logic. It’s not just for breakfast anymore.


“… I wish we were wrong. I wish it was a joke. This isn’t a joke.”

But Hannity is a joke. An unintentional, unfunny, borderline tragic joke.

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Hannity must recruit writers from the McMahons’ World Wrassling operation. Or, the other way 'round maybe.

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They mistake making fun of their coverage for making fun of rape.


Stewart’s not 100% responsible. He shares responsibility with his puppet master. Thanks, Obama!


Hannity’s just pissed all those 19 year old girls would find his “ick factor” at about 11 on the dial.


Don’t forget the salacious videos are for his audience demographic those 72 year old white guys. Hannity , Bikini videos and boner pills . Exciting times in the rest home tonight


I didn’t think of all the old guys who watch Fox. LOL.

Exactly. “Jon Stewart is guilty of promoting rape. Let’s show the video again.”


Next: Hannity does an in-depth series of reports on the injustices women suffer having to use the too small dressing rooms in lingerie stores.

“Watch this woman here as she struggles to try on these bra and panties!!! Oh, the humanity!!!”


I wish Hannity would cover the creepy things Rupert Murdoch has been up to.

Any panel on Hannity is assembled to make Hannity look like the smartest guy in the room, so it’s pretty dumb. QED.

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Sean Hannity sure has a boner for Jon, doesn’t he?

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“Jon Stewart and all these other smug liberals that were laughing the whole time are exactly the same as the bystanders that walked by,”…

Then Hannity and his fellow male troglodytes at FOX would be “exactly the same as the scum that perpetrated the sexual assault”.

Yep, makes perfect sense in Wingnuttia.


Jon’s rebuttal to this will assuredly leave a welt.


It’s got nothing to do with Stewart or concern for the well-being of these misguided young women who don’t have the steadying influence of an older and wiser man at their side to save them from their own depraved and base instincts. It’s just yet another excuse to flash boobies in the face of the old white men who watch Fox. Nothing more, nothing less. Fox peddles fear and anxiety to people who it, and the rest of the right wing media machine, have addicted to fear and anxiety and scantily clad young women do that for the Fox audience.

For decades, liquor companies have used death symbolism–dark brooding colors, images receding to a vanishing point, eerie, weird, other-worldly scenes evocative of Hell or Purgatory or Limbo–and sex, sex, sex–images of unattainably hot young people, usually wearing minimal clothing–to subliminally induce anxiety which, they believe, makes people to want to drink more. Back when they could advertise, tobacco companies did the same thing, though they did more sex and less death out of concern they might inadvertantly encourage people to quit.

Fox does the same thing, except for them, the fear and anxiety aren’t a sales tool, they’re the product. They’ve gotten all these old white guys hooked on them. Everything about the network–the dark brooding background, the stridency and conflict and abusive language, the overarching theme of victimization, the distracting chyrons and graphics swooshing around and upping the viewer’s rising subconscious irritation, the endless parade of hot blonds and the occasional hot brunette with their faces contorted in hate and rage. And, of course, Hannity’s annual pretense of scolding the same Spring Break debauchery that’s been going on since the 60s as an excuse to show the old white guys video of what they’ll never have again (if they ever did).

Once the fear and anxiety get to work on their heads, Fox knows they’ll keep coming back to the very thing that’s causing the problem seeking relief. Like addicts seeking relief from withdrawal. And that’s what keeps the eyeballs on Fox’s commercials.

At this point, it’s really impossible to say whether the fact that all that fear and anxiety expresses itself as hate and rage directed toward the political goals of the people who run Fox is a happy by-product or whether the money they make is a happy by-product of accomplishing their political goals.