Discussion for article #225611
The US kicked the British out by winning a war (or at least making enough of a draw that they left). Had they lost, history would have recorded their cause as foolish. If you start a war, you are obligated to have a strategy for winning, rather than one to whine when you lose. Sorry, but that’s how the world works.
I’m confused. Didn’t Israel leave Gaza completely to its own devices? How is that an occupation?
So, according to you, “losing” justifies the continued occupation and subjugation, continued theft of land, murder, starvation and torture of the Palestinian people?
If that’s what “centrist” means, then what the hell are neo-cons?
Gaza is literally a ghetto in which the people aren’t allowed to leave.
Strange that the Israeli people stand for this – especially with the use of ghettos during the 30s and 40s in Europe.
I guess they don’t see how ironic this is.
Making people live in a sealed-off area that doesn’t allow them to move as they want, with ZERO opportunity, and they aren’t even allowed access to stuff like cement and other necessary materials.
This, my friend, is called an open-air prison.
To ease your confusion, the Israeli withdrawal from Gaza was meant to freeze the peace process:
Israel conducts a blockade of Gaza, controls access, systematically starves (or in the Likudist, Gobbells-like euphemism, is putting “Palestinians on a diet”). periodically “mows the lawn” (love those Goebbells-like euphemisms), controls and uses as weapons the access to clean water andother utilities, steals PA funds.
Gaza is a prison. It is natural for prisoners to have violent thoughts about their jailers.
The West Bank and the placement of Palestinians in non-contiguous bantustans, which are ungovernable. The continued theft of land, and murder and torture of Palestinians, both in the prison called Gaza and the West Bank constitutes the occupation.
Winning a war = taking their land?
Are you saying that you would have supported the US taking over Iraq during the first Gulf war?
Make sense of this.
“Centrist” means judging each issue on its merits. Hamas represents no-one is in no position to make “demands” of anyone. The Palestinians have valid grievances, but without a viable strategy to achieve realistic goals the endless cycle will continue. It seems you don’t mind that. What does that make you?
No one is taking Gaza. Israel withdrew from Gaza quite some time ago. Are you contending that they now want to take Gaza back? What would they do with it?
By the way, Gaza has a border with Egypt too.
And the US did take over Iraq only a decade or so later, or did you miss that?
Looks to me that the Palestinians may be winning, this time.
Things have certainly changed and the impacts of this war, internationally, are going to start costing Israel.
Had the founding fathers lost the revolution we’d have all ended up like Canada - with the right to vote. Even Tibetans have full citizenchip under China.
The trouble is that having won the war Israel didn’t want to pay the price of offering citizenship because of the demographic swing that would result. They also didn’t want to give up the land.
Todays conflict is the result of holding people for 47 years under an increasingly brutal system of apartheid.
And by the way, the last election in Gaza was in 2006. So where is Hamas’s legitimacy to claim that it represents all Palestinians, even those in the West Bank? That would be like saying Bush is still President because he won the 2004 election.
Yes, America won the Revolutionary War, which explains why England is part of, and yet not part of, America, and we continue to surround their small rock of an island with warships to prevent any meaningful trade from transpiring, holding their citizens in an ungovernable limbo.
Are you pretending to play stupid, or are you really stupid?
Are you really saying that the Israelis haven’t taken any land from the Palestinians? If so, then you really need to properly-inform yourself.
And, from your statement(s), you are actually endorsing the stealing of land – even in Iraq.
How are you going to proclaim Hamas represents no one, when they represent a huge chunk of their population.
Hiding behind “centrist” doesn’t make your rationale coherent. Its not. You are posting stupidity.