Discussion: Hagel Says He's Been 'Offended And Appalled' By Treatment Of Bergdahl Family

Yessss indeed. Can I kiss you for that comment.

Andrea Mitchell is the most pathetic useless matter on MSNBC. Her show is like attending a funeral. Normally the likes of her would never even get a show on MSNBC. She is resting on her laurels as a reporter who covered international affairs. She makes me ill and Chris Matthews is the most conflicted guy in the business, This guy is so wishy washy itā€™s sickening. Just look at his history of idiotic comments and stances during the Clinton and Bush years.

Then he has the nerve to do these spots on MSNBC talking about democracy and liberalism.

These phony conservatives drape themselves in a so-called ā€œfreedom and liberty agendaā€ and then criticize Bergdahlā€™s father for his beard??? Itā€™s total hypocrisy and appealing to base emotions.

This is one of many goobers from Florida-in fact, replacing Joe Scarborough of Floridaā€™s 1st Congressional District - the panhandle of Floriduh-where itā€™s ok to be an a-hole and get away from any retribution with his pathetic GOP rhetoric. One doesnā€™t have to be either informed nor enlightened-just simply spoon fed by the right wing media.


Well said, DOD Hagel. Well said!!

ā€œI hope there will be some sober reflection on peopleā€™s conduct regarding this issue and how it relates to the Bergdahl family.ā€

I hope. I hope. But, as a student of history, I see nothing in the Republican soul to indicate they have the slightest talent for sober reflection on any subject. Although, I must admit, they are very good at following orders and conforming to the dictates of whoever is holding the Conch. Searching their hearts to know what is right and what is wrong??

Not so muchā€¦

Too true. Agreed.

As usual itā€™s freedom & liberty for themselves only & nobody else. Itā€™s about their freedom to infringe on other peopleā€™s freedom without govā€™t intervention so long as the govā€™t intervention aligns with their beliefs. Itā€™s about their freedom to violate the freedom of others.

Sheā€™s disgusting. I canā€™t even stand to hear her pathetic voice anymore. Same goes for Chris Matthews. What a worthless pair.

Theyā€™re grilling Hagel over something they said they would have done themselves. Pathetic hypocrisy. Laughable clown car.
And those 65% back seat drivers polled who said we should do everything to bring a soldier home then say they disagree with the Taliban deal are obviously on crack and heroin both. What a bunch of hypocritical clueless losers who want it both ways. They moan about us not putting additional lives in jeopardy in Benghazi to rescue already dead Americans but gripe about us bringing up a still living American soldier. Shame on the lot of them. Shameā€¦

I agree. Matthews spots on MSNBC make me sick for sure. When I see him spewing his Liberal talking point, itā€™s eye roll time. What a hypocritical idjit.

I wish he does have such fantasies. If only there was a groundhog day loop, maybe he could act it out too. Pathetic losers.

Bravo. Sober reflection and GOTP? Hmmm. Not likely the two shall ever meet.

Sober reflection? Oh yes, thatā€™s the hallmark of the Fox News clown car, its dimwitted viewers, and the modern GOP.

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