Discussion: Gun-Toting Protesters Show Up At Texas Mosque Event For Refugees

Discussion for article #246264

This is why we fight ISIS - we’re against gun-toting men bullying women and children.


Nothing more MURKAN than telling women and children to fuckoff, eh?


“Texas is big enough for EVERYONE, Y’ALL!!!”

This person. I like them.


I’d love to see what would happen if a bunch of gun-toting Muslims showed up at the local Baptist church tomorrow morning.


I wanted to go to one of these events at a mosque to show support for our wonderful Muslim citizens and immigrants and neighbors. There is a large mosque close to my home although it is not this one. But the mosque asked people to not do so because BAIR would be there and they didn’t want to chance a bad outcome of any possible confrontation. Which I see as an example of a caring leadership.

I have been to a couple of their open houses. Had a wonderful time and learned a lot. I wish these ignorant, fearful BAIR people would put away their guns and go to an open house.



A terrorist attack was thwarted today at a Baptist Church in Texas by the local Freedom Patriot Murka God Loves You Militia, stopping Al-Qaeda America dead in it’s tracks. For more, we go to Blondie McBubblehead at the scene, where I understand the tally sits at 57 dead terrorists with no Patriot losses. Blondie, tell us how authorities are discovering that this is Obama’s fault…


Here is what those gun totin’ numbnutz are afraid of:

Such brave people to be afeared of this little girl from Syria.


Why the guns, tough guys?

If showing up with guns to intimidate other human beings is not terrorism, I don’t know what is.


What a sad state of affairs when thugs with guns are so prevalent in our society. They “just wanted to see how many were women and children”? Why? So they could shoot anyone who wasn’t? Or so they can tell how much “MANpower” will be needed to overtake the others?


Irving TX is Ground Zero for Ted Cruz/Rick Perry politics.
Where they arrested 14-year-old Ahmed Mohamed for the homemade clock.



Can’t these Yeehawdist’s do something constructive, like, say, take over a wildlife refuge deep in the heart of Texas? I’ll even offer to send the dildos dildos.


Tomorrow’s news coverage will explain how “A lone counter-protester also stood outside the mosque” clearly shows that the overwhelming majority of Texans are opposed to Syrian refugees.

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“Drop the dolly and show us your hands!”


They are convinced that able-bodied ISIS members are posing as refugees so that they can come here and kill us in our beds.

What better way to show you “man cred” than to show up at an event for women and children with gun in your hand. Seriously, cowards doesn’t even come close to describing these assholes.


The American Taliban is the face of Fascism in America. The cover their asses by wrapping themselves in the Flag and Carrying the Cross but they only love the sound of their own voices and their penis-extentions (their guns.)
Upton Sinclair: “When Fascism comes to America it will come wrapped in the Flag and Carrying a Cross.”


Actually, Cap, I think it would be more like:

Dozens in a 12-block radius surrounding the No-Furriners 2nd Baptist Church felled by overwhelming stench. Authorities issued a Level-3 Hazmat situation. One source close to the scene supposed that the entire congregation “shat their drawers” at the appearence of a 7 year old Muslim child carrying a toy AK-47…

… at least, I would hope so…

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… well, now I understand why my wife drives “the long way 'round” when we go to visit in-laws…

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You kind of wonder why Texans are such a bunch of scared little weenies. If they had any courage at all, they wouldn’t be afraid of a bunch of kids and women. And if they had any decency at all, they would be more than willing to help out the people who had risked their lives for them. This reaction is the very same thing that they had when the Iraqis who had been the translators and other staff for the US military wanted to flee Iraq after the US left.