Discussion: 'Gun Hobbyists' Accidentally Discharge Gun Inside Indiana Library

Discussion for article #244577

Guns really do make everyplace more safe!


I just want to ask the group why they think there’s so much irrational fear of guns among the public, but first excuse me a minute while I adjust my holster and I’ll be right with BANG


I don’t know how many people were in that room, but they should all run out and buy lottery tickets because they are all lucky SOBs,


Having lived in the Hoosier State, I’d imagine that most of them are not accustomed to visiting a library.


Little known fact: Indiana libraries are the first place Bad Guys go to menace people with their gigantic weapons. Danger around every stack. No wonder the Good Guy needed his gun.


Guns in public buildings. I worked in a civil court house in L.A. Down the hall from the courtroom where I worked an irate man decided to shoot and kill his wife after a custody hearing, on an escalator. He probably traumatized his daughter forever. Shortly thereafter weapon screening was initiated.


People are stupid, thoughtless, and/or forgetful. Guns are inherently dangerous. Honestly, who does not understand this?


Great. So he was packing heat during the hearing, a hearing he had to have known could bring out his worst.

Weapons screening is now the norm in courthouses. Same in Anchorage, Alaska where I was a judicial officer who considered and issued or denied domestic violence restraining orders among other cases for 32 years before retiring in 2011. I know how dangerous some of these people can be and how scared the victims were.

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Most GOpers and some democrats


It used to be the worst annoyance down at the public library was that just when I lost myself in a good book people would disturb me with their incessant talking. Now it’s different. Suddenly BANG, someone’s gun goes off and I poop my drawers.


I had totally forgotten about this and have to extend the voting for the best
example of Gun Carelesssness in 2015 until the end of the month. The number of
issues to vote on has been reduced to five and they are:

3.22.15- A Louisiana man was in custody on Monday after shooting his 18-year-old son
in the buttocks during a fight about orange juice, police said. 4

9.11.15- A Florida man dressed as a Power Ranger was arrested, authorities said, after
he was accused of pointing a gun and make threats at a public pool in Tampa, the AP
reported. The suspect was found with two fake weapons that resembled real
handguns, rather than the blade blasters and thunder slingers featured on the
1990s show. 3

9.22.15- A Florida man is facing charges of animal cruelty after being shot by a puppy
he was trying to kill.

According to the Associated Press, Jerry Allen Bradford, 37, was in the process of
killing a litter of 3-month-oldshepherd-mix dogs by shooting them in the head,
when one that he was carrying got it’s tiny paw on the trigger of the gun and shot him instead. 3

9.26.15- A South Dakota man is in custody for lying to police about how he landed in
the emergency room with a gunshot wound to the penis.

Donald Anthony Watson, 43, told police he was shot by “a black guy (who) tried to rob” him while he was taking out the trash at his apartment, the Argus Leader reported Friday. 4

9.28.15- A Washington state man high on meth shot himself in the groin with a revolver after seeing imaginary “Mexicans” in trees outside his home which he believed were going to attack him, the Yakima Herald reports. 5

Be aware that Gun Nuts absolutely EXPLODE with fury over things like this as they
cannot stand it when someone laughs at them or keeps track of the harm they


This is getting crazier by the day. There’s this thing called hypervigilance and there’s the startle response also. All part of PTSD symptoms. With every mass killing and every single tragedy another three or three hundred Americans get these symptoms and might not even know it. Next time you go to a Saturday night movie, say the late showing, are you going to think twice about where you’re going to sit and where the exits are? And when you’re about to be seated for dinner at a restaurant, are you going to want to face the entrance or have your back to it? Is this any way to live? More and more people will be thinking like this as they have to deal with the idiocy of these 2nd amendment fools.


Can you sue these assholes if you are on the receiving end of their incompetence or has the NRA ensured that they can’t be held responsible for their actions?

every time something like this happens the authorities need to issue
a very hefty fine for endangering the public;
but this hardly ever happens; most often the perpetrators get
off scott free;


Yes they can, involuntary manslaughter I think, and with mitigating circumstances the 2nd amendment idiot may get two years if they wounded or even killed Mrs Jones as she was sitting with her twins reading Curious George down at the local library. And maybe 18 months later the idiot is back on the street while the Jones’ family is still walking around like ghosts living in different after lives…

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All right. Where is the “there are no gun accidents” crowd? If it is never the gun’s fault, then why aren’t these people arrested for some kind of negligent endangerment charge or for firing a weapon inside city limits or something? If these people are irresponsible with their guns, why should they continue to be allowed to carry/own them?


Don’t forget the restrooms. Restrooms are where ammosexuals can’t figure out how to do their business without discharging their weapon or they forget their little friend for children to find.

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Like I have said and posted many times when the NRA says guns everywhere is a good idea:

What could possibly go wrong?


I think it’s alright to “go off” in the library — But only if it’s because you really like the Librarian ! —

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