Sad, it could be a hit in Virginia…
Ya probably could have skipped the red lips…
What, no white hood to go with it?
Well, the next few days are going to be even more unspeakably stupid than the previous, aren’t they?
Spending too much time at TPM. Perhaps it’s time to take a break and catch up on my reading.
which sells for $890
I can’t get past this.
The real crime is trying to get $890 for $30 worth of sweater.
Mikey Cohen’s blue plaid jacket was a mere $3400.
But hey: they sure know their audience! These must be a hit at Covington and Eastern Virginia Medical School and Beer Studies Prep.
The rich truly are different from you and me. They’re really, really stupid about money.
Aside from the obvious racist reference, that sweater is a fashion travesty destined for the bonfire anyway.
We could call it a “mal”-aklava.
Pretty sure that the $890 price would have been enough to kill this product.
I think it needs to be accessorized with a MAGA hat. A $1200 MAGA hat.
Made from the pelts of some endangered species.
It’s an overton sweater. It normalizes paying $1000+ for a sweater without the blackface.
Virginia democrats?
This is why you’re not in high-end retail. People with too much money don’t use it to create new businesses, despite what you may have heard from the “don’t tax the wealthy” crowd. They use it to buy themselves more stuff, and they often equate price with quality. Ripe for plucking.
I suggest sloth. With more parasites per square inch then any other!
We’re descending into the ridiculous now. The sweater is simply stupid.