Discussion for article #230959
Gruber on Gruber:
Who? I never heard of the guy. He wasn’t in the room when we negotiated anything.
There are things you just should not say in public but he was correct in what he said, the average American voters are stupid.
But. but… according to ABC news this morning, " this could be embarrassing to the President." The President? This garbage from a schmuck that shoots off his mouth?
Just to mess with the Republican trolls holding this hearing, Gruber should acknowledge that his comments were not politically correct and to recognize how seriously Republicans in Congress take the job of enforcing political correctness.
It’s o.k. if he insults Issa, in fact , we recommend it. How can this idiot allow himself to be verbally
assaulted by a “hooting urchin” is beyond me.
“The recent response to my comments at academic and other conference exceeds both their relevance and my role in federal health care reform,” Gruber said."
Not so!
Sez FuxNews approx. 2,800 times since they were first uttered.
Considering the fact that Romney pulled 59,142,004 votes in 2012, Gruber may have made a valid point.
Awwww, he thinks he’s going to tamp down the Wingnut Wurlitzer driven frenzy by telling the truth. That’s cute.
According to EVERY SINGLE THING WE KNOW AS FACT, he was, in fact, not “in the room” at any moment when any feature of the ACA was negotiated, between the White House and Congress, between the administration and Congress, between Congress, or with even one aspect of even one affected or interested industry group.
What we DO know is that then-Governor Romney’s office agreed to spend money to have various funding and delivery of health care insurance services “modelled”, and that that resulted in Gruber and his group of academic consultants being sought out and retained to conduct such modelling. And that the legislature and administration then jointly determined to use his group and him in particular to educate state pols, various industries and the public on what was understood to have been learned from that modelling process.
I don’t have enough yawn for this. Can someone spot me?
Indeed, I would have doubled-down on my comments and told Issa “well, sir, since you keep getting re-elected to conduct Witch Hunts, I believe my comments have been entirely justified”.
Pointless dog and pony show trials??? Oh yea, that not so gleaming city two land-slide-prone hills over…
The midterms proved he was right about voters.
ABC is pretty darn close to being the new FOX anyway.
Yeah, I’d rate this pretty much a " nothingburger." Throwing himself on his sword ain’t gonna do any good now…
…but not necessarily wrong.
Exactly, you don’t say it in public, THAT is the whole point people on here seem to be missing.
When the Bush Admin formulated their propaganda program to try to tie Iraq to 9/11, no one involved was stupid enough to be videotaped saying “most Americans are stupid, they’ll buy it”. And we liberals would have been all over a comment like that (with good reason), yet people are excusing the same dumb comment from our side? I don’t agree, you don’t go on tape talking like that.
Gruber should have said “the American public has not been properly informed due to things like cable news, etc.”, if he knew he was on tape. Instead of insulting voters, you are reaching out to them. You win elections by reaching out to voters, not calling them stupid.
He was…stupid.