“Enrollment has plummeted 62 percent since 2005. Tuition has nearly doubled…”
Huh. What could possibly be driving the decline in enrollment rates…?
Nope, I got nothin’. Probably because millenials are lazy, right?
Hear that? Yeah, the Teatrolls are cheering this trend.
Here in NY, CUNY has raised tuition yet again and there doesn’t seem to be an end in sight. Having said that, they’ve gotten more aggressive in their marketing in the past, what - 10 years or so. They’ve definitely been trying to reach out to the best and the brightest who perhaps would have gone out of state in the past.
There’s currently a lot of pushback to reverse these increases as we speak.
Where have I heard the name Bain, before? When Romney’s old company says you’re financially unsustainable, they mean they want to buy you out, saddle your firm with the debt of its own purchase, and extract as many consultant fees as they can before declaring bankruptcy. Then they will write off the loss against the taxes owed on the consultant fees, and boom! They made a tidy, tax free profit while your job is gone and your pension liquidated.
People are thinking too small. It shouldn’t be necessary for a young person to hold a college degree to afford their own apartment. What we need are higher minimum wages, easier unionization, smarter housing policies and other progressive reforms to make it so. College tuition would then sort itself out.