Discussion: Greenwald Rips New York Times Reviewer Who Suggested Journalists Should Be Prosecuted

Discussion for article #223096

Who is this Glenn Greenwald guy, and why am I supposed to care?

What has he done? Why is his opinion important?


[Kinsley] argued that journalists shouldn’t publish information that the government wishes to remain a secret.

Really? He seriously argued this? Is he in his right mind?


The self serving Greenwald. It wasn’t hard to anticipate his position either.


Waaah, they didn’t assign a friendly reviewer!

He won’t let his work be edited. He considers it out of bounds if his writing is reviewed by someone with the wrong beliefs.

Gimme a break.


Over his (career) Glen Gadfly (all wallets are green) as a victim, as a saint (and former champion of Bush) now excoriating the ‘man’ (packing sausage made from an illegal data breach) has as his newest foil a twit joust with Kinsley.

The episode belies that both depend on media for sustenance.

Hardly journalism, the new white meat.


Personally, I don’t want Greenwald deciding what should be secret or not either. In that respect, Kinsley has a very good point.

There is too much secrecy in government, but this is the worst way to make it better.


Oh,nnd who absent these folks has made any difference whatsoever, let alone done a better job?

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Glen’s attempted readjustment of right and wrong and what’s acceptable and what isn’t, directly benefits himself and that’s why he does it.

There were other very sensitive documents stolen and who knows what was done with them, right?

Greenwald only talks NSA and his POV, which again is also his justification. That is incomplete and he will always be suspect because of it. That’s a fact that I’m sure that he is very aware of and also why he plays the always circle around to Glen’s way of thinking game. He has mastered the art of controlling the framing and not straying from his talking points. That isn’t Libertarian, Conservative or Democratic, it’s diplomatic and old school political training 101.


Whoa! Greenwald flamed someone who took issue with him and his actions? Didn’t see that coming. Totally out of character for him.


He broke the Snowden story and received a Pulitzer for it. Then again you probably know that.


You beat me by two minutes.

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I believe all decisions on whether or not to publish details on the NSA’s foreign intelligence gathering capabilities should be decided between Glenn Greenwald and Julian Assange on twitter.


Kinsley has always seemed more a star-struck power-elite groupie than journalist to me. It’s not surprising he’d be insinuating himself into the “in crowd” of beltway punditocracy by taking shots at the quintessential outsider with kooties.


This string of anti-Greenwald comments smells like an astroturf campaign. NSA’s “very sensitive stolen documents”-cloak and ad hominem attacks now clearly serves to hide NSA’s rogue unconstitutional behavior.

I’ll support whistle-blowers and independent journalists, myself. Go Greenwald!


technically he didn’t win the Pulitzer. The Guardian did.

That being said, once the initial story was written, Greenwald made sure he became the story, not the government’s actions. He seems to be particularly thin skinned for someone what spends his time pointing out the foibles and problems posed by others. He’s a classic “can give it but can’t take it” kind of guy.


Mike Kinsley – another victim of Pulitzer Envy


Whether one likes Greenwald or not is not the issue. The problem is this trend in so-called journalists (sorry but David Gregory is the farthest thing from a journalist) like Michael Kinsley and others to kow tow to the government while atracking others who ARE doing their job. Real journalists do not worry about upsetting the status quo. Kinsley seems more worried about his status in Washington than he does the public’s right to know. If Kinsley was Daniel Ellsberg, we never would have seen The Pentagon Papers. If he was Bernstein or Woodward, we would not know about Watergate. And some of you here going after Greeenwald? You are as clueless as Kinsley…


It’s almost like he’s stoking the negative feedback for some other mysterious reason?
Fame and fortune shouldn’t be considered because he did everything for us.
Criminality shouldn’t be discussed, because he says so.

There is only one issue at hand and Glen will beat down and eviscerate anyone that strays from what he says that issue is.

In the meantime, look who keeps accidentally popping up in the news. This could be seen coming from as far away as Brazil. In fact, it gives the term “Brazilian wax job” a whole new meaning : )


mymymy… whoever would have thought that kinsley had so many fanboyz and girlz eager to defend his indefensible position on jailing journalists.
if only greenwald was more deferential to unchecked power … but he’s sooooo rude!