Sorry, Chuck, I’m semi-obsessively following this story (at least as far as regular citizens go), and I’ve never heard of Bruce Ohr in my life.
You’re going to need to tilt at a windmill somebody has actually heard of. This fish won’t hunt.
Disgusting dirty old traitor…
You guys are more than able to check out the investigation when it’s over. If the investigation seems slanted and doesn’t produce anything, by all means look at the origins.
…after the investigation is over, not in the middle of it. That’s not how oversight works.
Ah yes, digging digging digging, never stop digging, all to run interference and play defense for the biggest literal traitor this country has ever known. Please proceed. Your graves are not deep enough yet.
Nunes and Grassley should just come out and say it: “We want to run the investigation, and if we can’t run it we want to shut it down … for whatever reasons we can conjure. The purpose, of course, being to protect Trump and the Republicans who were involved and those who are now knowingly and willingly complicit. Fuck the country and the institutions of democracy.”
Evertime I’d start getting nervous these last several months, Mueller or Avenatti drop a big one and I feel better.
Here’s hoping that pattern continues this week.
…I’ve never heard of Bruce Ohr in my life.
I’m pretty sure Ohr was one of Steele’s connections to DOJ.
This looks like fishing for intel to breathe life into the corrupting dossier/Clinton campaign operation narratives to keep that aspect of the faux outrage alive. He’s just looking for another shiny object.
In other news, the GOP announced a moratorium on publication of any information gathered by an opposition research organization.
Amen, sister!
Just in case you forgot what a craven, hayseed lickspittle Senator Ethanol was, he’s back with your periodic reminder.
Ummm, this is all starting to look a little too coordinated by GOPers like Grassley. All at once they seem to be demanding they get what they want using an abuse of power if that’s what it takes.
Let’s face it, its their only midterm election strategy, from a tactical point of view. If they had something to truly run on, like their fucking tax breaks for the .001%, they’d have been doing that by now, now that the primaries are well underway. They’d have been totally immersed in sending out their reelection message for the season. They’re not running on anything but divisive shit this year, and the media is too wussed-out to call them on their bullshit or non-accomplishment in the past year and a half legislatively.
Here in the Hinterlands, republicans got nothing to run on other than saying whether they’re with tRump or not. They have no legislative accomplishments and their best play is to pretend like they’re going to pass legislation that will someday, somehow clamp down on “illegals” or some other flaming hot potato issue. This is at best, like the work requirements for urban dwellers (better known to them as POC), being used repeatedly to hook the lowest common denominator that makes up their base.
The GOP and those in Mueller’s crosshairs are pouring on the requests (I mean demands) to DOJ and the media, in order to feed the King of Corruption all the information he needs to get ahead of his criminal culpability, and his other shitty but not yet uncovered corrupt dealings. Republicans in general know they’ll be tarred with accusations of enabling this moron, but the best they can hope to accomplish without any other game-plan, is to go on the offensive, because the best defense to all this bad news for them is literally to do the exact opposite, and pretend its all being overblown or an illusion brought on by liberals like Nancy Pelosi, or some such shit. And boy-howdy are they being offensive. G-d forbid they stand up with anything that resembles real integrity and concede they have been played like the rest of us, in that one man and his criminal enterprise, run by his evil spawn, can profit from their abuses of power while he is pres*dent.
And that goes for Emoluments, Schmoluments too…
The problem for Grassly and GOP here is their efforts to obstruct the investigation will cause it to continue on a longer track. There is a lot evidence the FBI and journalist already have revealed. There are no dikes tall enough, and not adequate number of fingers to plug holes.
So here is a hat tip to Senator Grassly for sealing his fate as traitor to his country. He deserves it.
If Dems are going to stand up to this bullshit in Congress, they need to do it now, loudly and without hemming and hawing, making long arguments with needless verbiage…like I often do. Make noise for fuck’s sake!! This is a fucking disaster for our democracy, clearly in the making. Its been normalized beyond belief. We are already at DefCon 1 in our Constitutional crisis. I am not being hyperbolic here, folks. This is what an unhinged, authoritarian-loving enabled maniac, who wants to shut down a free press and an ongoing investigation into his criminal behavior looks like when his own party is onboard, and willing to go down on that sword with him. It smells and tastes like treason, and yet we dare not call it that because some in the political class and the beltway media are still clutching their pearls worried its…what? Too soon? Give me a fucking break.
You know who’s heard of it? People who watch Fox. That’s all the sorry sack of shit cares about.
Yeah, this week is brutal, and it’s only fucking Tuesday! I may have a stroke before Friday!
OMG Robert, will you PLEASE start dropping indictments!!
Thanks. Great analysis!
Well said!
Ditto! It can’t happen soon enough!