Discussion: Grassley Hints At DOJ Coverup In Letter Asking Comey For More Info

Grassley must have decided he wants to ruin his legacy by becoming a late in life Bircher.

It’s really horrible that the FBI has to follow the Constitution in regards to procuring information. The horrors of having to ask for the information or get a warrant. Maybe he can file a lawsuit against common sense for being unfair to conservatives.


Poor Chuck. As usual, he has only a dim understanding of what’s happening and it gives him free-floating anxiety resulting in flailing about in desperation.

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I am an illegal immigrant to your country here on Bizarro World.

Please deport me back to regular Earth.


Mr. Grassley, you’re no Harry Reid.

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What a great public servant and representative of all the people! Thank-you, thank-you, Senator Grassley!

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Can I please come with you?


Grassley’s like your crazy uncle in the attic. His dim understanding of the real world doesn’t lessen his outrage stemming from his fevered imagination.

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Harry Reid was right:


Grassley cries wolf when (Rs) around him are saying Comey screwed up.


What in the world is he going on about? They argued about what was classified and not but that seemed like something nobody agreed on. And the DoJ is the prosecuting body of things, the current thing does not sound like it involves Clinton and it would not be right to assume that they do. Or that material from another case should be taken out of that context.

One could argue that Constitutional rights were violated here. As he did this all with no information. Just with what may be there.


Same could be said of almost anyone with an ‘R’ after their name…

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First, you meet Bill Clinton on the tarmac, then something something no charges for Hillary.

That’s where this is going. It has nothing to do with reality…well, other than the GOP trying desperate to rewrite it.


It’s too bad that Iowa has decided to go all bright red Republican up and down the ballot.

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Yes you are right dumb-grass…there is a cover up happening in the doj’s department of the fbi. comey doesn’t want to release trump facts about Russia because that would be “mettling” in the election. Yet, lying about hillary is a okay…


I just this minute posted the same. Should have read your comment first.

This makes comey’s action look extra special creepy!

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Too close to the election to release evidence of election tampering by a foreign agent but not too close to crucify Hillary with bogus email bullshit?

Tell me again that this man is honorable and didn’t intend any harm.


Sorry can’t. Since comey being an “honorable” man, is just plain bullshit! And of course he meant to do harm! Hence, the letter 11 days out.

This is so un-freaking sickening!


Whatever his intentions, Comey has truly screwed his own pooch.


Russia is viewed as a friendly power by those in the FBI who believe that Trump and Putin are the lone holdouts among major power leaders in opposing the New World Order championed by the Clintons. Someone should ask Grassley and Comey their views on the threat of the New World Order.


Comey: “I’m not going to call out the Russians for meddling in the election (that might be bad for Trump). I’M going to interfere in the election with a vaguely worded, well-timed letter that can be interpreted as Trump and the Republicans see best fit to help the cause.”