Awwww, isn’t that precious?! Lindsey’s trying to give the impression that he gives a flying fuck. I guess the heat is a little more intense than we thought. Usually Senator Closet Case doesn’t get involved unless the GOP’s ass is in a sling.
Day Late Dollar short Ms Lindsay
The whole fucking operation is disgusting and has been from the get go but you let most of it pass because ®
“I was going to defend my dying friend that I have always admired as being an American hero but it took me longer than usual because I had to stand here for a while with my finger in the air to see which way the wind is blowing.”
So here we have Senator Graham explaining to this WH “this is exactly what you need to say in this situation”.
All of us are left wondering if they are too dumb or too insipid or too bestial, or all three to simply make an apology after word by word instruction.
Since the original statement eluded to the vote about torture nominee Haspel, I will go with bestial.
It was supposed to be insulting–that’s the point. It’s a feature not a bug. These are your people. And they rely upon you to stomp your little feet and talk about how disgusting they are, and then do what they say. And you play their game. Every time. And McCain did too.
My undying admiration and a big wet kiss to the first Dem that starts making jokes about Arkansas Senator Ton Cotton’s burgeoning career in gay daddy porn.
After Trump’s comments about McCain during the election campaign, and this remark by Sadler, anything goes. Forget about using your military career as a cover for your political career. Those days are gone. It’s like saying Trump was qualified to be president because he was a businessman.
“If it was a joke, it was a terrible joke. I just wish somebody from the White House would tell the country that was inappropriate, that’s not who we are in the Trump administration…”
It would appear that Ms. Lindsey hasn’t been paying attention for the last 16 months or so.
The message the people in the Graham and McCain wing of the Republican party should take from this is Trump doesn’t want or need you.
Oh, and while you’re at it, admit that tRump is a liar and a bigot.
Perhaps we’re missing the larger point here?
A republican senator does his job of “Advise and Consent” and this is the response from the White House?
This tells us there are likely no substantive policy discussions going on in the White House these days. Just threats, reprisals and revenge.
The attitude of “how DARE you disagree with US” comes from the top, down. In fact, I don’t remember Trump having anything to say about this little episode. Though it’s obvious that his presence is the driving force behind this “joke.”
Republican senators, being what they are, will continue to be threatened, and will continue to kowtow. Except for the ones who, through whatever means, have grown a conscience and a spine.
And God damn you Kelly Sadler, for making me respect John McCain.
I understand the disappointment of many with this White House’s lack of manners, but a week of this is enough. Please focus are the real harm to people Trump and the Republicans are doing.
And please follow protocol and don’t start the canonization until after death.
Yep. They’ve told us who they are, and they’re telling us now. There’s nothing too crass, hateful, vindictive and small for these people. It’s never pretty, human nature, when that tribal thing kicks in. Trump is that mean little resentful arrogant coward snotnose you remember from school, the one who was just plain no damn good. Any teacher or cop can tell you there are people like that. We usually don’t elect them president but the times are strange.
Granted it was a terrible thing to say but McCain’s no saint himself, he made a crass joke about Chelsea Clinton in 1998 when she was a kid.
I don’t understand how he can “Face the Nation” when his face is buried so deeply in the crack of Trump’s ass.
The big picture question is, will Trump and Trumpism become the new normal for the GOP?There’s a possibility that Trump will turn out to be just a blip on the radar. A noxious blip to be sure, but still just a blip. On the other hand, in light of the fact that there has been little pushback from the GOP members in the House and Senate, I think Charles Pierce had it right when he wrote that “Trumpism is Republicanism with no inside voice”.
The times, they are indeed strange.
"that’s not who we are in the Trump administration,” he said, adding that it was a “disgusting thing to say.”
No Linz, that is exactly who they are and you are right there with them.
This phony pearl clutching routine has gotten very stale.
But he will gladly and proudly vote for torture queen Gina Haspel so he can shiv his friend McCain right in his ribs.
As I recall, he got a big round of applause for that. Wonder why he dropped it from his act?