Discussion for article #223949
Oh, Lawdie. Miss Scarlett O’Graham is going to have another conniption fit.
I thought 911 was Rudy’s line?
"Graham suggested that the U.S. work with Iran to stabilize Iraq.
“The Iranians can provide some assets to make sure Baghdad doesn’t fall. We need to coordinate with the Iranians. And the Turks need to get in the game and get the Sunni Arabs back into the game, form a new government without Maliki,” he said."
And they flipped out about swapping 5 captured guantonomo prisoners for Bowe Bergdahl,now negotiate with Iran ? Wow .
No shit. He said everything he could think of with the exception of, “Aunty Em! Aunty Em! It’s a twister!”
Of course. We got out of there, and the disaster we created, so now is our chance to go back!
So Miss pansy ass is suggesting that we collaborate with terrorists?
The only reason Graham gives a rat’s ass is because Iraq was their shining star, and now it’s fallen from the sky. Fricking idiots.
BTW this is political “LIMBO” I posted this on another thread regarding Iraq ,Unthinkable then 2008 .
“Is Petraeus “Beyond Naive”?
He thinks we should negotiate with our enemies—just like Obama.”
Maliki must go. Get a new government in place,
Is Saddam still available?
Little Lindsay is turning from a national joke into a national menace. What he and his buddy John McCain should do is take a long, long trip to a place far, far away … preferably a place without cell phones or attentive reporters.
Time for the public to raise an outcry against Sunday Morning Talk Shows on which this doofus has appeared almost every week since Obama became president. He shoots off his big mouth and nothing he has ever said has even a modicum of truth to it.
I guess the GOP and the media are united in believing that THEY create reality. They are, in short, psychotic.
Perhaps he’s got a future in air traffic control:
Well now, Sen. Graham…we are now aware of what the terrorists are willing and capable of doing to harm this Country of ours and we are not as naive as in before 9/11/2001. Or at least we should not be as naive. If something like 9/11 happens again in the mainland, that means that President Obama and his administration are really sleeping at the helm.
Another bobblehead NeoCon, blithering idiot
This MF is so sick he replaced Iraq with 911 to get some attention. Otherwise the statement makes sense, Iraq before and after the invasion.
Whatever he says we should do, DONT.
Funny, that’s exactly how Lindsey would sound.
Republicans have a history of negotiating with Iran…