Willful ignorance is still ignorance. The Republican brand.
“We are assuming since they sent it to CBO today then it will make it’s way to K Street, then Politico, then we will see it. You know, the way government is suppose to work.”
And that’s a hell of a statement from a Republican Senate aid.
Graham is useless. He’s “concerned” but not too concerned with a variety of things. The only explanation I can come up with is the voters in Seccessionville are just as dim as the ones here in Texass.
It will be interesting to see just when they decide to drop this turd on America.
Recess is coming. Angry hordes in the hinterlands await…
Then is it not fair to say, if you don’t know what’s in it, either abstain or cast a not present when it comes to a vote.
One can find nothing in the history of the world that would support willfully voting for a social bill, such as healthcare, and being willfully ignorant as to its content.
Republican idea of transparency: smoke filled rooms
As if what he doesn’t know won’t hurt him…HAH!
Rein-in- Trump
Reconstruction was a mistake. We should have let them go.
Not my circus, not my monkeys!
Why? If you have nothing to add, why say anything?
Presumably there will be a lot of ignorant zealots also crowing about how it is the best Administration, has passed the most bills, signed the most measures into law, insured the greatest prosperity, eliminated the debt…Gotta see how many loons show up 'n how they are received – LOONS ON PARADE!
Why not draw random bills from a hat?
“Senator, did you mean to vote for the Giraffe Knife Fight Act?”
“Well, no, but if Mitch says to vote for it then by Jove I will!”
But when it comes time vote on this unseen bill you will vote yes without giving it a second thought
Slightly OT yet relevant (also see similarly predictably moronic comments from proud Cult-PeePee members).
Must be horrible for the American people if not even republicans can see it.
It’s horrible because it’s not horrible enough. Mike Lee is complaining about the bill, and as moderate Republicans are totally useless we’ll likely see a repeat of the House process wherein it gets worse before extremists sign on.
Or, maybe, NEVER recalled the Federal troops
As a policy position how’d that work out for Israel? No, we’d have been better off without them altogether. Only textiles and coal would have presented a problem for us and I’m sure the CSA would have welcomed a trade agreement which would have produced some hard currency for them. Beyond that fuck em.