Discussion: Graham On BFF McCain Opposing His O'Care Bill: We're Still Friends!

Note Lindsay insists on FOUR sponsors now. Failure has many fathers.


Obamacare is collapsing in Arizona, South Carolina and across the nation -
driving up premiums and reducing choices.

In terms you understand. Obamacare need not fail. It can only be failed. You’re welcome, Lindsay.


Hence the bi-partisan “fix” that was in the works, but halted so they could get back in their donors’ good graces.


“My friendship with John McCain is not based on how he votes but respect for how he’s lived his life and the person he is,” Graham said in a tweet.

Translation: …

Ah, I just can’t do it. It involves too many references to knees, couches, “bendys,” cooing and gurgling noises, and “the soundtrack of their lives.”

Oh good…the bromance lives. Now…’.Obamacare is collapsing in Arizona, South Carolina and across the nation – driving up premiums and reducing choices.’ Horsepucky Linds…it’s only in the states where you made no effort to have it work. You screwed over the voters the first time and you are trying to finish the job with the 49th time. Give it a damn rest.


@sysprog Shhhh. The man needs to save face. Do you have any idea how hard that is when you’ve got a Flex Straw in your mouth and a breast pocket full of spares? I thought not.


Gotta kill the people to save 'em from healthcare, eh Linz? Go fuck yourself!

And apparently Graham must not like Dean Heller very much throwing him under the bus by making him sponsor this POS. Doesn’t Graham know that Heller is running for reelection?

Not that I’m complaining

"I respectfully disagree with @SenJohnMcCain position not to proceed forward on Graham-Cassidy-Heller-Johnson."

Try proceeding backward and see how that works for you.

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… he is a Republican, preceding backwards is their overarching goal.


Lindsey’s up for reelection in 2020. He can say he tried his darnedest to kill Obamacare in what may be a very tough primary.


The Completion Backward Principle?

I liked the original personnel better.

Bill Spooner - Analysis, Guitar, Vocals
Michael Cotten - Trend, Synthesizers
Fee Waybill - Motivation, Lead Vocals
Roger Steen - Development, Guitar, Vocals
Prairie Prince - Systems, drums
Vince Welnick - Accounts, keyboards, Vocals
Rick Anderson - Policy, Bass
Steve Lukather - Guitars, Talk to Ya Later

But that’s probably just me.


He can add 30 sponsors, but it will still be the Grim-Reaper healthcare reduction bill.

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Im sure donald will say the same. Oh wait hmmm maybe not ,besides, i’m sure some one is holding his phone way over his head so that his stubby little fingers can’t reach it. Of coarse there is always the possibility that it actually takes him a day or two type out a tweet.

Blah blah blah Lindsey. You’re just another lock stepping Republican who puts their party for their country. You’ll never be close to what John McCain is.

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Obamacare is not Collapsing, Imploding or Exploding

Graham is lying of course when he says that the ACA is in full collapse even in states where hostile Republicans are trying their best to kill it – thank goodness they are as incompetent as they are evil – but this is just another in a very long and still growing list of issues Republicans are unable to discuss without falsehood. That the lies remain even remotely consistent over time is mainly testament to their ability to deceive themselves as well as each other.

“Lying to ourselves is more deeply ingrained than lying to others.” ― Fyodor Dostoyevsky


I did not know Steve Lukather played on this song. No wonder it tickles my DNA.