Now that all the memorial services for McCain are over, I guess we can all go back to being blowhard assholes again.
Interesting…now that this sanctimonious asswipe has witnessed daily malfeasance by the most dangerous reprobate since Stalin and Hitler, he has the temerity to disparage lifetime servants to America with a glib throw away line that describes his own relationship with Trump. In the tank indeed.
Spit on your friend’s grave while you’re at it.
Must be some serious kompromat on this boy. Perhaps that’s also why he was acting like Jared and Ivanka’s butler at the McCain Memorial service.
And keep in mind that the little shrew-man is ostensibly a “lawyer” who should know better.
And early on Graham is on record trying to convince the country that Tramp was crazy and unfit. He has since forgotten this and wants you to do same.
Yeah they were in the tank for Clinton and out to get drump.
That’s why they went out of the way to hurt Clinton and made no peep about the investigation on drump.
IT MAKES PERFECT SENSE!!! How does someone hear him say that and not ask if he isn’t having a stroke?
Yeah, because I specifically remember the FBI hyping Trump’s e-mails negligently and against their own policies 10 days before the election.
And I also remember the FBI constantly hyping the Trump investigation while burying Clinton’s malfeasances.
We all know that the FBI is a hotbed of wild-eyed leftists. They’re just naturally drawn to careers in law enforcement.
Ask anyone, there are plenty of lawyers that are complete human waste products.
This guy is INSANE… Clinton probe leaked by Comey, Trump suspicions kept quiet by EVERYONE
Jelly Fish.
Jelly Fish have a stronger spine then this “guy”
As of April, Graham was among the ten least popular senators with only a 41% approval rating among SC voters. Aside from Russian campaign contributions, he’s scared of losing his job, and power. He’s got to stroke the crazy.
Great way to show respect to his friend McCain.
Jeez, what the hell is in that file on Lindsey? And I will not even ask what Lieberman was up to.
And he had a career in JAG. The man is a retired Colonel of all things. The Law, The Military, His Friend. He is willing to toss it all away.
Graham can go to Hell, while McCain goes to Heaven.
Oh, Lindsey. If it weren’t for your constant, insidious, and dangerous attacks on the foundations of American democracy, I would find your delusional rantings on the Mueller probe and Hillary Clinton almost quaintly charming.
Of course, I must sheepishly admit that the great patriot Lindsey Graham is absolutely correct, because without the black-hearted machinations of the DOJ and the FBI, Hitlery Clinton would have never been elected as President.