See? You prove Trump’s point! Germany didn’t have a wall then (only later…), and look how they were invaded by foreigners!
Never married, never will be married, other than when he was a child then a very young adult in the US military has never lived with any other, never had kids, given his age and circumstances extremely unlikely ever to have or have to take care of children, never worked in child care, nothing in what we know of him suggests he has the least interest leave aside skills and forget actual experience in caring for children or early childhood development or any pre-secondary education at all…
so, naturally he makes grandiose, profoundly nutty, sweeping and deeply stupid pronouncements on what’s best for children.
Graham’s day of reckoning is coming. He knows it. Mueller knows it. His only play is to roll the dice and hope that Trump has loaded them.
Bad call.
You are right on!!!
Yes, this puts it perfectly. Graham has become Trump’s toy poodle. He’s pathetic and utterly contemptible.
I really wish reporters and interviewers would start asking that question.
His only play is to roll the dice and hope that Trump has loaded them.
Bad call indeed. Lindsaay’s desperation showing. There’s more than a handful of Senators waiting for Mueller to tap them on the shoulder. Russian money, with triple chin McConnell as the conduit. Probably the best way to take back the Senate. Hope there aren’t any 'D’s with the same problem. Interesting times.
Graham really sounds like a sick nut !
I’m holding out for the vans full of women mummified in duct tape.
Rolled up in prayer rugs.
Well, DOD schools are still publicly funded, so indeed, Trump will be taking taxpayer money from support of a much needed school to build his effing wall.
The thing which gets me about this cat is that he thinks he is sharp (an expression my Dad and others of his generation used).
He fancies himself (still) as the sophisticated guy with the flip response designed to make people say, “He’s reasonable”. Witness his relatively supportive persona during the Dylan Roof Tragedy in SC.
That and being “Myth” Romney-level weather-vane-ish.
Question: why didn’t Pelosi hold a vote on Friday to declare the state of emergency over?
Everyone was familiarized with the broad strokes in the 3 weeks between the end of Trump/McConnell’s shutdown and Trump’s formal announcement.
Yes, I know the Senate has to also vote, and the POTUS can veto, but:
- If it ends the “emergency,” yay!
- If it fails, it’s not clear we’ve lost anything and we’ve at least compelled the GOP to go on the record positively supporting the emergency.
What’s the hold up?
I don’t know and I’ve wondered that myself.
Because they would have had to go back into session. And until they had the text in hand (i.e. with the specific statutes he was using to pull funds from), couldn’t write the bill necessary, so would have been pointless. Better to do it step-by-step, dot the t’s and cross the i’s.
He means the Republican Party is hysterical over their self-created “problem.” The rest of the world is fine.
Watch your wallet. Republicans want money.
Did he really say that? If so he has gone nuts.
November: A man.
December: Three men and a goat.
January: Three kinsfolk, a goat and a Saudi.
February: Three dead kinsfolk, a herd of Saudi goats, and Cardinal McCarrick dressed as Satan.
March: A liberal atheist Democrat
This comment implies that there is ever a time when the orange shitgibbon’s upper anus is not open. I am skeptical.
He’s reached the point where paying off the blackmail threat forms an infinite feedback loop.