Discussion for article #239767
The Republican party has sown the wind and, thus, they will reap the whirlwind. Unfortunately, there is a good chance that we will all be destroyed.
[[Edit: I can’t even begin to fathom how well and truly fucked we would be if America’s voters were actually nihilistic enough to elect Donald Trump as our President.]]
“If Donald Trump is the nominee, that’s the end of the Republican Party,” Graham said.
And this would be a bad thing??
The feel of schadenfruede at the establishment Rs’ meager, mumbling complaining about Trump’s rise is more delicious than I had anticipated. Lindsey: you do not get to define what is the GOP. The polls don’t lie. You and yours, along with Fox news, have enabled and encouraged the low-information shambling mound of the GOP base. Any number of good idioms to choose from to describe your plight, but one will suffice: You made that bed, now lie down in it.
Graham and his fellow GOPers should have thought about that before unleashing the Tea Party on the country and pandering to their lunacy. Trump is just the logical conclusion of this idiocy.
Graham said that Trump’s views on immigrants and women perfectly reflect the modern Republican party.
FTFY, Lindsey.
Graham said that Trump's views on immigrants and women do not reflect the modern Republican party.
Actually, Lindsey, they reflect the modern Republican Party all too well. That’s why he has 30 percent of the voters and you have 4% in your home state. Republicans – still denying reality after all these years.
Graham said that Trump’s views on immigrants and women do not reflect the modern Republican party.
Which is why he’s polling so high. ?
I despise Donald Trump but, as a gay man, I am really, really giddy at the thought that The Donald might start aiming some of his venomous vindictiveness towards Madame Lindsey. I’ve always hated that self-hating smarmy schoolmarm.
Wanna hear a secret: Lindsay doesn’t actually give a shit about the troops. And after squandering whatever good will Americans had toward the military in 2002, the GOP will find very few Americans are motivated anymore by what’s “good for the troops.” Trump voters least of all. They can’t wait to send kids in as cannon fodder at the first opportunity. After we’ve done some unilateral nuking of the “bad guys” to soften them up of course.
Graham said that Trump’s views on immigrants and women do not reflect the modern Republican party.
they represent a good size chunk of the republican party. lindsay, the gop is in bed with these wack jobs because they need their votes to have a chance in a national election. you can’t pretend that you do not want/need these horrible people.
The fact that he’s the leading nominee isn’t proof already?
More histrionics from Lindsey the tizzy-prone drama queen.
If Graham is correct, it might be worth it to vote for The Donald. After all he could be Impeached, and Repubs would lead the way.
“The demographics race we’re losing badly,” said Sen. Lindsey O. Graham (S.C.). “We’re not generating enough angry white guys to stay in business for the long term.” - Washington Post
But then again, you have more than enough to make for a fun primary. BTW, you have also unleashed the High Priest of the White Prosperity Gospel, also known as Trump Magnus (first of his name). Good luck putting that Pandora back into the box.
“He’s a complete idiot when it comes to Mideast policy.”
I don’t even know where to start…how anyone on the right can say this with a straight face…
Quit being a cry baby Senator Graham. The GOP hitched it’s wagon to the social issues and evangelical right and now they are not happy the wheels are coming off. Tough shit.
for fifty years the r’s have been speaking in code to attract the lowest common denominator in the electorate. Reagan in Philadelphia MS, R-money’s 47% etc. tRump has figured out you can’t speak in code because the lowest common denominator can’t decode. He’s skipping the dog-whistle. They are eating it up.
“Graham said that Trump’s views on immigrants and women do not reflect the modern Republican party”
Graham starts off sounding sane (demerit with Republicans) but finishes off stepping in the delusional pile of poop that is the modern Republican party. What a sad sack.
LOL Thank you. Truth is always funnier than fiction.