Discussion: Graham: I Can't Believe I'm Losing To Carson, Who 'Tried To Kill Someone' (VIDEO)

Spot on. They created this monster. Reaping and sowing


Why does Graham think he’s better than any of the other GOP haters?


You are losing because you are a war monger and a little twit. There, do you understand now.

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I guess this queen must have his panties in a bunch!

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It seems most Republicans don’t know he is running for president either.


Exactly. And I tend to take his words at face value. He really is shocked and really is that out of touch. He dwells in a huge information echo chamber, with tens of millions of others.


“On our side, you’ve got the No. 2 guy tried to kill someone at 14 and the No. 1 guy is high energy and crazy as hell,” Graham said. “How am I losing to these people?”

Lay down with dogs, wake up with fleas. Seems pretty simple to me.


Gee, you’d almost be forgiven for not realizing there’s another Repuglican debate coming up in two days…and Lindsey Graham is still stuck sitting at the kiddies table not getting that extra helping of pecan pie he asked for hours ago.
I guess it sucks to be you Senator.


Poor Biscuit.

Is he polling high enough to sit at the kiddie table?

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“Ah cain’t buleeeve a negro is beating a fine, upstandin’ confirmed bachelor such as meself!”


He had a big role in turning the GOP into the fruitcake party and now he is surprised it is acting like a bunch of fruitcakes.


Smart advice being given to Carson. He moves up on these remarks. Stabber to surgeon. Redemption. Dumb to attack him on this.

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Bobby Jindal, Rick Santorum, George Pataki and Lindsey Graham are all averaging less than 1 per cent. Gilmore’s out. Not sure where Ron Paul stands at this time.

I know, its such a joke that anyone averaging 2 or even 3% is still considered a Presidential “hopeful” in this country and welcomed to the Big Boy’s Table, but themz da rulez. Its so ridiculous.

If a candidate runs on a ticket that IS AGAINST, PRO CHOICE…they will NOT win the WH.

WROng LIBtard. AMerICA haTES choice. We NEEd to Corporately GROUPthiNk out OF THE Mess OHBUmmer created!1!!1!!!one!1!!1!!!


Yep, they keep feeding the monster, kicking it in the head, and then they wonder why it’s getting bigger, meaner, and hungrier. They thought they could control it and sometimes they can, sometimes the beast works in their favor (2010 and 2014), but for the most part they’ve lost control and the best they could hope for is to keep it from eating them. There’s a Games of Thrones/Daenerys Targaryen analogy in there somewhere.


Sucks to be an amoral faceless congressional whore, doesn’t it Lindsey?


Hey Lindsey, I hate to break the news to you, but you’re losing to Bobby fucking Jindal too.