Discussion: Graham Defends McCain Opposition To Repeal: ‘He Can Vote Any Way He Wants’

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That’s very gracious of Miss Lindsey.

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Earned the right?

I guess I have earned the right to vote as I wish as well. Not sure what I did to qualify for it. Who are those who have “not” earned the right?


I like votes that weren’t captured.

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Graham, Lindsey, et al. are simply making a show of it so they can throw up their hands and tell the big money Repub donors that at least they tried. They can’t govern, but that’s not what they are being paid to do. But sometimes they feel like they have to at least pretend to govern.

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Of course they can’t govern. There is an underlying presumption that nearly half of the elected representatives are irrelevant.

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a plan Graham said would “bankrupt the country,” be the end of health care “as we know it” and would be the “end of innovation.”

In other words, blah blah blah blah blah.

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Memo, to whom it may concern: Adults are capable of disagreeing over a matter of politics without immediately having to vilify the other person.

Please make a note of it.

“So to any American who has a problem with John McCain’s vote, all I can tell you is John McCain was willing to die for this country and he can vote anyway he wants to and it doesn’t matter to me.”

So, by extension, Lindsay is saying Trump hasn’t earned the right to even use the Presidential toilet.

Fuck both of them and someone please please end healthcare as we know it. The current system is killing us.