Discussion for article #242095
Gowdy Unsure Committee Learned Anything From Clinton Testimony
Certainly ®s must’ve learned that they have no sense of shame.
They trotted out a dead horse-- and beat it for 11 hours, publicly.
What any objective observer learned was that Thursday’s sham
was a distinct marker on the timeline of the demise of the ® party.
The day that ®s finally lost their decades-long battle against all things Clinton.
I don't know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous time she testified.
It was a waste of time then?
A waste of time and money except to watch how well Clinton stood up to a barrage of accusation and questions, kept her cool, and had an amazing recall of persons and events ( realize she had notes). She came well prepared and furthered her presidential ambitions.
" I don’t know that she testified that much differently today than she has the previous time she testified."
I was surprised we didn’t hear Vince Foster or Whitewater mentioned
I wonder if the republican party is aware these hearings were seen worldwide.
I think the technical term for what’s on Gowdy’s face is “flop sweat.”
You learned what it feels like to be Hillslapped, Trey Trey
If you didn’t watch the full 8.5 hour hearing and just need a summarization, watch that post-hearing clip of Gowdy being asked if he had learned anything new.
That’s all you need to know.
Further, I think this may help Clinton quite a bit. At worst it’s a complete wash for the GOP. Absolute fucking monumental failure on behalf of Gowdy and crowd. What a waste.
Shorter Trey: I didn’t learn anything new today, but I think that Hillary will use this clip of me saying this in some upcoming campaign ads.
Speaking the truth pretty much always damages Republican causes.
Good point. The whole thing was obviously just a day long fishing expedition for a sound-bite, and the only useable clip I saw (I watched roughly 7 hours of the hearing) went the wrong way. +1 for Clinton’s camp.
Trey, you blatant liar, you look so purty with egg all over your face. I’m sure that at least the Republican members the committee didn’t learn anything because they’re comprehensively stupid. But the rest of us certainly learned a lot about them.
He then said that during the hearing, members asked Clinton about security incidents and requests, noting that Clinton said she had staffers in charge of dealing with those issues. He then said that Clinton did not have people and processes in place for every issue related to foreign consulates.
You mean she had people assigned to handle some tasks, and she handled some things herself? Really? That’s what you got?
Worse, she lacked people and processes in place for milk and diesel and fish!!! That’s what Trey and I presume the entire stupid party is most concerned with. And you can bet that they will get to the bottom of that.