Discussion: Gowdy: Trump Advisers Should Weigh Quitting If He Doesn't Heed Russia Intel

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So trey why not just impeach trump and save a bunch of people the troubles of quitting their jobs? You’ve essentially quit yours.


Why are we still hearing stories about him? He’s bipolar as we know it. Changes his mind and contradicts himself routinely. Nothing new or interesting her.


Come on now, Trey. You’re asking people to resign even as you characterize Trump’s words at the press conference with Putin as “equivocation”. That’s weak, Trey, beyond weak.


What?! A Republican Congress conducting oversight of a Republican president. What a quaint novel idea. Unfortunately, Republicans only believe in conducting oversight when a Democrat is in charge, especially if his/her name is Barack or Hillary.


He’s probably throwing out a little ‘criticism’ in case all this blows up in the Republican’s faces. He can now say “at least I said something!”


I have a better idea. TRUMP SHOULD QUIT.


I can hardly wait 'till this goofball is gone for good. What a waste of a House seat. He’s been a toad since tRump has been in office, so its kinda rich for him to be pointing the finger at anyone else but himself.

Pretty sure he’s auditioning for a Faux sNooze gig here just in case his dream job of becoming a judge falls through in his next life. He’s really bad at whatever that thing is he does. One thing is certain, it hasn’t been legislating. Politically charged McCarthyite hearings have been his specialty. That’s about it.

Bye, Gowdy. Some of us are counting the days until you’re gone.


Was there much print coverage of Hurd’s op-ed? I didn’t know about it until I read it in the TPM article.

Rep. Will Hurd’s (R-TX) op-ed in the New York Times Thursday asserting that Trump had “actively participated in a Russian disinformation campaign that legitimized Russian denial [of election interference] and weakened the credibility of the United States to both our friends and foes abroad.”


This reminds me of when I was a small child. I was very allergic to cats, yet we had two cats in the house. I was constantly struggling to breathe and had asthma attacks. The family doctor told my mother that we needed to get rid of the cats. When this was announced at the dinner table, I was informed by my siblings that they were not getting rid of the cats, they were getting rid of me. I don’t know why that memory just resurfaced after 65 years.


A slight correction, Trey: Angela Merkel is now the Leader of the Free World. America surrendered that title when the Electoral College selected and installed a known Russian collaborator as its leader.


Hey! That would make a great campaign talking point (no pun intended) for and Democratic challenger to levy against the Republican incumbent.

“Vote for a representative who is willing to do the job!” -or something like that.


Trey always remembers to bet even on red and black in Roulette.


Well he is from South Carolina so whoever “we” get instead ain’t gonna be much better and may well actually be a lot worse. The same way the Gingrich “revolution” spawned a bunch of little right wing cookie cutter congressmen, the foul era of Trump is bound to spawn little Gaetzes all over the Red State FOX Propaganda territory. And Upstate New York which gave us Carl Paladino.


I can see how Gowdy is torn by all of this. On one hand, he knows that his President is a criminal, possibly a traitor and will likely be impeached or forced to resign for a list of crimes that far exceeds all of the crimes committed by every corrupt U.S. politician in history combined. On the other hand, if he comes down on Trump too hard and too early, he’ll risk being a pariah back in South Carolina and it might harm his future employment prospects after he’s left Congress.

I think a lot of Republicans right now are actually routing for the Democrats to win, but they’re doing it very quietly because, if Trump should pull through all of this, they fear being swept up in a Kristallnacht. This is why we see only occasional bursts of sanity from these people, followed by a walk back shortly after. Their courage waxes and wanes based on how much Trump’s image is being hammered each week.

Edit: I said Kristallnacht when I meant night of the long knives. My bad.


House Oversight Committee Chairman Trey Gowdy (R-SC) said Sunday that President Donald Trump’s top advisers should consider resigning if he doesn’t follow their advice on Russia.

Gowdy, as usual, has it exactly backwards. It’s Trump’s resignation he should be demanding.


Wanna know how tRump’s tax cuts are doing and how the average worker is benefitting from them? Ummm, not very well.

Looks like the benefits of the Obama economy is slowly coming to an end and the tRump economy is now taking over, to greater effect.


I have zero respect for this mangy ferret, and it’s not the advisers’ fault if their idiot traitor advisee won’t hear reason, but this is still welcome. He’s a Republican talking about a profound problem with the Republican president. It’s not about principles, we know that much. It’s about polls and what’s coming in the pipeline vis-a-vis indictments and shocking revelations. It’s about a damaged mind so reckless and stupid it thinks inviting Putin to Washington represents a do-over that’ll fix everything. We’ve turned a corner and it’s going mainstream, it’s coming from inside the house now. Took the bastards long enough but they’re arguably starting to panic.


He’s Ed Grimley elected to Congress. I think I’m going mental. I’d like to buy a vowel, Pat.


Then they all would have been good Nazis.

Zero sympathy. Even less than that, actually.