Gowdy has momentary bout of sanity.
Film at 11:00
So why do you keep engaging in this combative public posturing in hearings? Make up your friggin’ mind.
Showing his bipolar side once again…
And Gowdy, Mueller is doing just that, so back the HELL up!
Trying to have it both ways.
Rep. Trey Gowdy (R-SC) shot down the possibility that Attorney General Rod Rosenstein would be impeached, saying on CBS Sunday that the movement lacks sufficient support, and that President Donald Trump could always “fire him in a tweet,” according to a Sunday Hill report.
He finished by asserting his support of the Mueller probe. “I don’t think it’s a witch hunt,” Gowdy said. “Russia attacked this country in 2016. That’s the number one thing we’ve asked Mueller to look at.”
Tell it to your caucus.
Gowdy, talking out of both sides of his mealy mouth, as usual.
ALL Republicans are traitors now.
Because he has too postures: one for the brain-dead, Fox-watching Rethuglinazi base; and the other, for the media and the majority of the country that can actually read and think.
He’s like Graham. He has integrity on and off, the way divorced parents shuttle the kids back and forth to each other on a schedule, three days on and two days off in the week and then reverse it, have them alternate weekends, no problemo. If only they’d publish the schedules we wouldn’t find this puzzling.
The other possibility is that he has opened his eyes and sees reality coming. Still means he must cover his butt with the base.
NAH! who am I kidding.
After attacking and insulting the FBI agent, last week, suddenly he’s has the country’s best interest at heart again?. Ask your Doctor to increase the dosages, Howdy Gowdy…
There’s another possibility that no one will want to hear. Trump and some Republicans always feel they need to push the narrative that they do not trust Rosenstein to be fair to them when the opposite is true. The last three rounds of indictments were mostly all Russian. Hard to believe that Russians did not collude with anyone on the Trump team. Like Gowdy said, Rosenstein is a Trump appointee:
Gowdy on Sunday said Rosenstein is a “Trump appointee” and that if "President Trump is dissatisfied with Rod Rosenstein, he can fire him with a tweet.
I was holding out hope that at least Cambridge Analytica would be indicted or held to account. I am not that optimistic about it anymore.
Evidence for testicular growth! Huzzah!
Now he needs to hie himself off to a hairstylist or wigmaker.
I think these brief moments of sanity are more like Freudian slips – if he’s not absolutely vigilant in maintaining the required Gooper facade, the truth (which even he knows) slips out. Lately he’s been less vigilant and the truth has slipped out the cracks before he remembers to revert to party-before-country modus.
More like the cowardly son of a fallen woman is trying to have both ways. That game got old real soon and now not even wimgnuts believe him anymore .
Shorter Gowdy: “Trump should Fire Rosenstein.”
More like a closeted gay man that goes to the rest area on Friday night and comes back feeling guilty an promising not to do it again…until next weekend…
And he only gets custody of the GOP’s remaining supply of Integrity on alternate Sundays. The rest of the time it has to shuffle between Senators Lankford and Graham.They don’t like to bring it out in public very often either. No matter who has custody at the moment, it usually has to sleep on the sofa in the rumpus room, and the other kids, Ambition and Greed make fun of it.