Discussion: Gowdy: McCarthy's Apology For Benghazi Remark 'Doesn't Fix It'

“I told them, ‘I want you to tell the people who are criticizing you for taking a chance on us to watch on the 22nd. If they think she’s being treated unfairly they can take it out on you.”

Yes, because it’s the Democrats on the committee that are trying to undermine the White House and Hillary Clinton.

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Actually it may be a good thing Gowdy and his ilk keep it going.

I do expect that in the forthcoming public hearing, all Hillary has to do is repeat McCarthy’s statement (watch, they will be unsuccessful in trying to stop her) and go on the offense to each and every Pubbie question. I do expect her to not only call for the end of the committee but also repeat the above: all the scheduled but cancelled hearings of other witnesses is almost as damning as McCarthy’s truth-telling. In fact, she will strongly challenge the entire proceeding and all that prior work to discredit her.

If they had a brain, the Republican’s would move to cancel her appearance since she can now bring a real blowtorch. That and this public, televised hearing gives her the upper hand now in painting the Pubbies as holding the most partisan hearings in recent times. They will long regret letting her speak, mark my words!


Yes, exactly: look at their actions. Compare & contrast to the same level of outrage when >50 members of consulates/embassies died during Bush/Cheney.


Oh, my. If there is ONE thing Paul Ryan ISN’T, it’s “smart”. His alleged economic notions are just more debt-increasing voodoo economics which would batter our economy back into a ditch! He’s smart enough not to walk the plank by being in his own party’s leadership, but self-preservation isn’t analogous with “smart”.


Trey Gowdy’s very existence sickens me. Fortunately for him, we live in a nation of laws and I fear criminal prosecution.


“why don’t you look at our actions?”

Yes, why don’t we start with the rundown of your actions provided by the Dems’ recent letter about the Benghazi shenanigans you’ve been up to?


Gowdy also said that he is determined to stick with the Benghazi committee, despite being pushed by some of his colleagues to run for a House leadership spot.

“I don’t have a background in mental health, so I wouldn’t have the right qualifications to lead right now,” he told the Post.

He later commented that Rep. Paul Ryan (R-WI) has also decided against running for a leadership spot.

“If I had one draft choice and I was starting a new country, I would draft Paul to run it. Not because I agree with him on everything, but because he’s super, super smart. And when someone is super, super smart and is not interested, that tells you something. It tells me a lot,” he said.

A very rich source of material:

(a) Not having a background in mental health means that the probabilities of self-assessment are limited

(b) If this new country consisted of hedge-fund managers, perhaps Ryan could contribute (as accountant)

© Whether someone is considered “super smart” is relative. Goober was considered “smart” by Gomer

(d) The state of “being not interested” is also relative


Speaking of statements that are “telling”…

However, I have to say…I wouldn’t let Plutocrat Pauly be my accountant unless I thought prison was a great retirement plan.


Is he talking about the Paul Ryan who came up with a brilliant budget -that wasn’t really a budget? I hear how Ryan is supposed to be so smart but I’ve never seen a single item indicative of a superior intellect…


And it says “I’m With Stupid.”


If faith tells you to forgive somebody…” Gowdy trails off.

Yea, so much for that crap. Somebody get me an ice pick…

It’s revealing of the GOP mindset. “If I had one draft choice and I was starting a new country, I would draft Paul to run it”

He wants to start a new country, because he hates this one. And in his fantasy, there will be no silly things like elections. People will be appointed…by him…to run everything.

I also loved this little bit.

“I told them, ‘I want you to tell the people who are criticizing you for taking a chance on us to watch on the 22nd. If they think she’s being treated unfairly they can take it out on you.”

I mean…wow. First off, the Dems on the panel aren’t “taking a chance on him”, they are keeping an eye on him because they DON"T trust him, for very good reason. And then, if people think he is treating Hillary unfairly, is Gowdy going to man up and take the blame? Oh hell no, he is already planning on cutting bait and blaming it on everyone else…especially the Dems.


It is. The fascinating part is that he feels the best way to do so is to insult every other GOP Representative. All in the middle of what is basically a whine that somebody said something that makes him look bad. Because that is such an entirely adult response.


Almost everything he said here just makes the current House GOP leadership look stupider than ever. Gowdy, McCarthy and their ilk simply do not have the public face and finesse necessary to run a taco stand, much less our country.

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I took it as his way of saying that the Republican caucus in the House is batshit crazy.


Accidental truth-telling seems to be contagious. When Kevin is finished apologizing for the fiftieth time to Trey, Trey can begin groveling for the forgiveness of his entire crazy caucus, and simultaneously issuing public statements insisting they are all intelligent, normal, well-rounded people you would be proud to have married to your widowed mother.

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It seems to be an acknowledgement of widespread mental illness in the Republican causus. Anyway, I’m taking it as such.


He wasn’t talking about the Democrats on the committee; he was talking about those Democrats who voted with the Republicans to create the committee in the first place and are now being criticized for enabling this witch-hunt.

Thank you all for entertaining me with your witty comments. Gowdy is as dumb as a rock and can’t put together a sentence .