Discussion: Gov's Office Deflects Responsibility For Flint Water Crisis In Released Emails

Discussion for article #244940

Only Republicans would expend more effort denying any involvement in this fiasco than in fixing the problem. Snyder is a dead-man-walking…he just doesn’t know it yet. And from what I’ve read, his czar, his staff, his MI EPA and more have their bloody hands all over this.

So, why the delay in blaming Obama personally for all these travails? Wait for it…


State officials trying to pass the buck and avoid responsibility for their actions. I thought Republicans were all about personal responsibility? Guess that is just more talk. The article failed to mention tne reason for the change to the river water was to save 100 dollars a day. Look at the cost to remediate this problem, over 100 million dollars. Penny wise and pound foolish.

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Flint Mayor Karen Weaver refused to call for Snyder’s resignation while at the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting in Washington, D.C., saying investigations should go forward.

Sensible, if she speaks out Snyder might have the local Dictator, sorry “Emergency Manager,” bring charges against her for treason against Rome, I mean Michigan.

In a Sept. 25 email, Muchmore said he could not “figure out why the state is responsible”

Ooh! Ooh! I know!

Because you unilaterally removed the democratically-elected government of Flint and replaced it with state-appointed lackeys who reported directly to the Synder administration!

Then-chief of staff Dennis Muchmore…

Here’s what the AP article left out. Then Chief-of-staff Dennis Muchmore retired as Chief-of-staff to the Governor just yesterday. Timing is everything they say. His retirement was announced last August. But, still…Its not exactly like he’s going while the going is good.


There’s another person I personally would like to see investigated and the Feds would be the ones to do this They could subpoena docs and emails from this guy…Rich Baird, Governor Snyder’s right-hand man. Quite an interesting position he’s had in the Governor’s administration. Essentially, he’s Snyder’s version of David Wildstein in some ways (Chris Christie’s right-hand man until all hell broke loose over bridge closures). Unfortunately, Rich Baird also would not be subject to any FOIA requests as it stands because he works directly for the Governor in an entirely invented position by Snyder, however the Feds could get the hands on whatever input this man had on the situation in Flint. Baird, on behalf of Snyder, seems to have his hands in everything that goes on in State government.

While we’re at it…folks in the media might want to nationalize the plight of Detroit Public Schools and the need for these “sick outs” by dedicated teachers, because its illegal for teachers to strike in Michigan. His EFM for DPS, Darnell Earley and earlier EFM predecessors have the ability to terminate collective bargaining rights and modify union contracts as well. Just what you don’t need when teachers are trying desperately to get attention and advocate for the health, welfare and safety of their students. Get a look at the conditions of Detroit Public Schools under Snyder and his EFMs. These pictures make me so angry.

They’ve gotten bupkis in the 5 years under this administration towards public education in Detroit besides cuts it seems. Would you want your children to attend school in these conditions?