Discussion: Governors Attempts To Keep Refugees Away Is Crumbling As Texas Case Weakens

Discussion for article #243456

I wonder if the Syrian refugees are made aware of the dangers facing them in the Anti-Refugee RedStates?


I’m not sure they actually face any personal danger. One-on-one, most people are reasonably decent to each other. You’ll find hateful exceptions to the rule pretty much everywhere, of course.

I think perhaps the Feds should start sending more refugees to the red states, both to reward them for their intransigence and to sow the seeds of a gradual electoral shift. Between the Mexicans and the Syrians, Texas might actually start electing Democrats. :wink:


Prisons release about 80,000 inmates a year in Texas.

A few desperate families looking for a life outside war zones and refugee camps has the Texans quaking so badly that they can barely hold onto their guns.


Texans are such pussies.


HAHAHAHAHA, that’s both a hilarious and awesome idea.

All you do is hold firm, ignore them and they slowly, slowly start getting embarrassed of acting like fraidy cats. They you bring it up LATER.

That’s the problem with a lot of these things; more of them need to be brought up LATER when something similar occurs. The Teabaggers are SO PISSED OFF that there is a BLACK man in the WHITE house that they have spent the last seven years having a hissy fit over the littlelest things. The Democrats can portray them as the party of kooks AND cowards.

Seriously. If they get to Jasper TX, they’ll think they are in ISIL controlled Syria again.

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If not an exact parallel, it’s pretty effing close. Back then it was turn away all these refugees because there could be dangerous communists and anarchists among them (but more importantly, because they’re Jews), today it’s turn away all these refugees because there could be a terrorist among them (but more importantly, because they’re Muslims).


Yep, when they get to Texas they will be applying for asylum to get out.


We’ve seen that the RWNJs have been agitated to a high froth of panic. I’d definitely be keeping a close eye on these families, lest they wind up with their heads on spikes in their new front yards to serve as warnings to others.

I wish I were hyperbolizing.

What does Texas do for the union again?
What does Texas get right politically?
A Syrian refugee relocated to Texas is the same as jumping out of the pot and into the frying pan.

I’m not saying that Texas is bad but, people are fleeing ‘TO’ Syria from there.

Of course the whole thing fell apart - there is no way governors can restrict the free flow of people across their borders - there is a constitutional right to travel freely in this country and states don’t have that kind of autonomy. Abbott knows this - he’s not a complete idiot, he’s just an awful awful person and a disgraceful governor.

He cannot secede, either - there is no right to secede for Texas or any other state but this is what the GOP does - pander constantly to the radical right and the worst of all of our instincts and failure to think.