The calm reasonableness of the democracy-crushing is infuriating.
What is always so frustrating is that the game of the bad guys is usually obvious, and yet we have such a hard time getting any victories for our better angels.
Well, how will Sanders cultist fuck us next time?
In fact, the organization that spearheaded the Evenwel case filed a friend-of-the-court brief that made plain that the question should stay on the census so states and localities could explore drawing districts based only on citizens.
And the regime wants to “dump” (true scare quotes here) immigrants on Blue States.
Hmm, interesting reading. It would seem that conservatives (if Gorsuch can speak for them) are interested primarily in denying representation to resident aliens, who are largely non-white or at least non-WASP, using whatever reading of the law allows them to arrive at this conclusion. Whether this is approached through the census or some other way would not matter to them. I don’t see how the court could allow states to follow different standards for congressional representation, however, since the result would disempower some states (like California) who would be likely to sue for relief. In the long run a new administration could remove the citizenship question from the census, but that would still allow the effects of an inaccurate and unrepresentative 2020 census to endure for ten years. Perhaps if the Trumpistas are defeated in 2020, a supplemental census in 2022 or so could “correct” the deficiency in the count.
They’re so power hungry they haven’t even thought through what happens to a place with 100 peoples worth of needs and 70 people’s worth of funding.
UH…they don’t CARE.
I remember reading that book at the time it came out. Other than Sagan’s almost religious veneration for science as inherently and incorruptibly virtuous, it was a very good and interesting read. That particular passage is eerily prescient, except that the process was already well under way after Reagan got elected.
I don’t see how the court could allow states to follow different standards for congressional representation, however, since the result would disempower some states (like California) who would be likely to sue for relief.
If it gets to the point where DC is essentially claiming that Blue States just don’t have enough
" American citizens"
in it, then I don’t see why the Blue States wouldn’t try to secede. I mean, in that case, why not?
If there is mass resistance to answering the question, what then? Only GOPers will EVER be elected again, since Democrats who refuse to answer won’t be counted???
I already believe we should. There is absolutely no reason to stay and let the redneck GOP confederacy suck our economies dry any more.
We once thought of the Circle of Life something like this:
An earthworm dies and its body and whatever nutrition it had trapped inside it is released into the soil where other plants and creatures could feed on it and grow strong and live.
In America, it’s different:
Kavanaugh’s children, who may or may not grow up to be a soulless bigot like their father, but likely will, feed off of his Monsanto money or whatever else he has stashed at the bank. They will grow up strong to attend the best schools and the most respectable churches and clubs and will, in time, become the next generation of American worms.
And so on.
Hakuna matata, motherfuckers.
Oh, but they DO care. They want people to pay for their insolence.
If a Democrat wins the presidency, an executive order can be issued to fully count all census results irrespective of the answers or nonanswers to the citizenship question.
Moreover there will be very little reason, ethically, for Blue State census respondents not to overstate the number of citizens living in their household. The census will be an illegitimate banana republic document at this point, and yet another casualty of the Republican strategy to destroy our democracy.
Talk about focusing on the wrong problem.
Did these asshats ever hear of the Boston Tea Party?
Or is their historical knowledge limited to the Bowling Green Massacre?