Discussion: Gorka Calls BBC ‘Fake News’ When Host Asks Him About Flynn, WH Chaos

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Are all Trump Administration people required to be:

  1. Whiter than a sheet; and
  2. Have a face that could stop two clocks?

Ah, Gorka…trying to gaslight people that have electricity.


This guy should always be wearing a ushanka.


Gorka took aim at the media yet again, claiming the press “can’t stand” that the “forgotten man” in America “was given a voice" by Trump.

Co-president Stephen Bannon didn’t forget he could win working class votes in the de-industrialized Midwest via classic demagoguery and promising future jobs to unemployed and under-employed people in forever-shuttered factories and coal mines.


This is a White House where Jared Kushner, an Orthodox Jew, is key to the decision-making process and you have the audacity as the mainstream media to talk about anti-Semitism.”

and his co-worker is Steve Bannon.


Think Kushner, a Jew to forget Bannon, a Nazi.


How can it possibly be lost on these dickheads that the media continues to ask these so-called, “agenda-driven,” biased, anti-Trump questions because said dickheads have done absolutely nothing of substance that would warrant a discussion?

If these assholes weren’t so blatantly incompetent it’s possible that some sort of coherent policy might be communicated and properly, professionally debated and discussed.

It’s like I tell my kids, “When you put your shoes on and tie your shoelaces together, you shouldn’t be surprised when you fall down.”

When one sucks at presidenting and one’s staff is comprised of inexperienced shitheads, it doesn’t surprise anyone that these dummies can’t produce anything but a hot, steaming pile of garbage.




Gorka: You media-types can’t keep going off script. Roger, Stephen, and Michael prepared a fantastic script for Season 1, but you really should stick to the questions we’re prepared to answer. Here are two. “Mr. President, is Mt. Rushmore big enough for your monument?” and “Is all the hard work you are doing for America hurting your golf game?”


Another day, another republican euphemism for lying. It appears that a lie must be an "unequivocal statement of fact.” So when you claim to have the largest electoral college victory margin since Reagan, it’s not a lie because it wasn’t prefaced with the statement: “this is an unequivocal fact.” And to think they take umbrage at being referred to as “deplorables.”


"This is a White House where Jared Kushner, an Orthodox Jew, is key to the decision-making process and you have the audacity as the mainstream media to talk about anti-Semitism.”
– Gorka

In a little ceremony not far from the Oval Office on Friday morning, Stephen Bannon and Sebastian Gorka solemnly declared Jared Kushner and Ben Carson “Honorary Aryans,” that included presenting them with certificates suitable for framing.


This is what true blue Tea Partiers wanted all along. Denying reality, hiding behind lies and calling everybody else liars.

Also, saying “I guess” does not mean anything. He has made a similar claim before. If you know it is wrong and are corrected than “I guess” becomes a lie. He has been told this before. He just does not care to know. And the lying about every little detail matters from the president. If he is lying about darn near everything. Regardless of how big or trivial than how can he be trusted in the future.

It is a little funny to see a hard right dude call everybody else a liar while being a part of a conspiracy machine himself. Basing claims on nothing.


Every one of these people has a personality disorder.
Anne Coulter would fit right in.

The GOP is playing with fire.


Their responses are well-scripted, and well rehearsed, and well designed to deflect any suggestion that anyone should be concerned about their treasonous activities. They know the suggestions are true. Thus, they prepare verbatim denials that are easy to remember so they don’t run the risk of exposing their lies.

Donald Trump Press Conference: “The Art of the Schlemiel!”


Why is he not wearing his Nazi Lord medal?


Next thing is reporters will be harrassed, beat up or intimidated by trump faithfuls…

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Taking on Auntie Beeb? Oh, Prunella.


I remember back when I thought “dangerous fringe cranks who never should have had access to power” meant the PNAC neocons courtiers of the Cheney Regency and thought they were as bad as it could possibly get.