Discussion: GOP's Obamacare Dilemma Becomes Clear In Replacing Sebelius

Discussion for article #222462

No they won’t. They will vote as a bloc against Burwell.


Uh TPM, I hate to bring this to you, but if Obama is for something, the GOP will vote against it.

If he was for Mom and apple pie, the GOP would twist that into his endorsement of vegan lesbianism.


Did you just used the word “restrained” in reference to the GOP’s response to anything?


If you put a Rottweiler on a choke chain, then (technically) it’s “restrained.” The thing is, there’s “no cohesive strategy” because the Teahadists aren’t going to listen to what the party tells them, let alone do its bidding. They have the potential new arbiter for Obamacare (aka Armageddon) in front of them with cameras rolling, and FoxSpews ready to edit anything that might fit their meme. This will be about as restrained as a pack of wild jackals in a henhouse. Burwell just has to be ready to knock down all the horror stories.


The Dems should really push it then. Highlight the Republican crazies. Let them get their 15 seconds in the spotlight - 15 seconds being a great length for an attack ad, by the way.

Speaking of which, there is a ad out there that is begging to be made: in the heat of the original health care debate, the GOP said some particularly crazy things - dying grandmothers, murderous bureaucratic merchants of death, the end of the nation as we know it, so on and so forth.

There’s a damn good highlight reel someone could pull out of that. Its time to stop passively tolerating the crazy, and long past time to start stamping it out.


Texas. Of course. Again.

They are in a pickle, are they not? They went all-in on demonizing evil Obamacare in both 2010 and 2012, and scored with the Angry Old White Guy base.

If they back down now, that would be seen as a total lack of “Conservative Principles” by their base, which absolutely demands they never, ever retreat, only reload.

Democrats can attack them from both sides. For being flip-floppers, AND for being wingnuts.


They could let her do her job… LOL no that’s ridiculous.

Oh pluuuu-leeeeeeeez’___It will be the same tired ranting lunacy from the GOPigs, the same grandstanding bullsh*t and bloviating nonsense for their low/no information “Bagger Base.” __And, with the loony Rightie Wingnuttery scurrying for attention, the Sunday chat shows are going to be un-watchable.
Oh wait…!

Long story short: (S)ame(S)hit(D)ifferent(D)ay.

FOX Update: “Health and Human Services???..Uhhhhh____BANDAIDGHAZIIII!!!”

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What’s THAT?..Oh, it’s just the Beltway Pundits craning their necks to contemplate their navels once more? Move along.

Well…to quote elder GOPig statesman, Scott Brown: “Bqhatevwr.”

Makes as much sense as anything any Republican will say concerning the new head of HHS Dept.

is that S2D2?

With 55% still disapproving of Obamacare, 4 years after the law was passed, Pew asked those who disapprove of the law their major reasons for their opposition:

  • 80 percent said a major reason for their opposition was “too much government involvement in health care”
  • 76 percent said the law is “too expensive for the country”
  • 58 percent cited the law’s requirement that everyone must have health insurance
  • 57 percent feared their “own health care may suffer”

Good luck in November.

blah blah blah blah

What your poll reveals is that most don’t know a damn tjhing about Obamacare, including you.


Meanwhile, while denigrating Burwell they will sanctimoniously opine on how the DEMOCRATS ruined Lewinsky. Yeah.

Oops! Somebody didn’t read the news…

Koch Group Abandons Obamacare ‘Horror’ Stories After Fact-Check Backlash

AND, this…

Scott Went Looking For Obamacare Horror Stories But Found Satisfied Seniors

AND, this…

Insurance Execs Shut Down GOP’s Latest Search For Bad Obamacare News

AND, this:

Insurers Plan To Debunk GOP’s ‘Rigged’ Obamacare Study In Front Of Congress

Oh, and this…
