Genuine Hillary fatigue (or, more generally, Clinton fatigue) exists mostly in the progressive wing of the Democratic Party. We are tired of triangulation. We are tired of the Republican wing of the Democratic Party. We are tired of closet neocons. We want to return to our roots as champions of working people and the poor. We don’t want to be the other Wall Street party.
Fugue? No way. The GOP is tone deaf.
a state or period of loss of awareness of one’s identity, often coupled with flight from one’s usual environment, associated with certain forms of hysteria and epilepsy.
The Hobby Lobby decision has given me “men making women’s decisions for them” fatigue.
I’ve never been so ready for a strong woman to assume the presidency.
The only Hillary fatigue I’m expecting is going to come in the form of perpetual fake outrage, nontroversy scandal-mongering, and good old fashioned “let’s just make shit up” by the Republicans.
Monicabenghazilewinskydeadbroke-gate here we come! Take it away Sean Hannity!
"Those comments briefly commanded the news cycle, prompting MSNBC’s Chuck Todd to observe that “the media has Clinton fatigue.” "
Classic case of Chuck Todd taking the opinion of a GOPers and pretending it is a fact. And the GOP knows the media will do this so they throw out things like this all the time, with the media being as complicit as possible.
Invincible because of big poll numbers two years out? Tell it to Meg Whitman.
When Reince Priebus says that people are tired of Hillary Clinton, he means that nobody cares about the Republicans’ hatchet jobs on her.
I’m hoping for Scott Walker.
Hillary Clinton is going to kick the living fertilizer out of someone in two years; I’d love it if it was the most prominent anti-union political figure available. Those people need to take a big, public beating.
I will vote for Hillary Clinton for President of the United States eagerly, and for one reason above all others: Competence. Specifically, I believe she, her campaign, and her husband and their associates are the most competent choice for abso-freaking-lutely landing, skinning, and gutting whatever remains of the flopping, stinking fish that is the GOP on the national stage.
So there.
As soon as Chuck Todd revealed himself to be a pawn, the GOP started playing him like one.
Sometimes I wonder if he even knows it’s happening.
RNC PR BS (Reince Priebus minus vowels) offers a twisted ® version of bread & circuses.
Keep the ®ubes tuned-in.
And agitated.
Shouldn’t more be dropping dead from a collective aneurysm?
Priebus’s comment is perfectly understandable. Chuck Todd is another story. I have to wonder. Is there any Republican b.s. theory this schmuck won’t fall for?
I want you to write that book. Pretty please. No reason not to get started on it now.
Upchuck is oblivious to it all.
Endgame time for the Teabaggers already. Just watch. Now, the meme is going to be that Hillary isn’t pure enough for true liberals, and we need to support a third party run by Sanders or Cuomo.
Remind your more leftie acquaintances what happened last time they “made a statement” by voting for a Don Quixote candidate…
The problem is holding that roadmap too close to your face to see the reality behind it.
That until the ® hold on the House is relinquished there will be absolutely no move toward progressive legislation.
The first, surest fashion of accomplishing that is to elect Clinton.
Once that occurs-- along with (D)s reclaiming the House on her electoral coattails?
Then-- it will be possible for progressive ideals to gain a foothold politically once again.
That is the quickest possible route to making the political landscape favorable for progressivism to flourish.
We’re in the same boat.
We simply need to pull in one direction for the next two years.
I live in WI and as much as I would LOVE national public destruction of Scooter, it would mean he wins in November against Mary Burke. My state has already incurred so much damage under his regime, it needs to end this year.
The only thing people are tired of hearing are Republican excuses for their Job Creators not creating middle class jobs in this country any longer even after all those corporate tax cuts they got.
Voters are sick of hearing from Republicans about how grand it is for corporations to invest overseas and the rich to evade their responsibility towards paying off the deficit by utilizing foreign tax havens. These conservative policies have been so destructive to the middle class. The continued Republican gloating by the wealthy is insulting to American workers.
Conservatives don’t offer average citizens any opportunity to advance themselves, hope that Republicans will take real problems seriously or do anything but buy elections and bribe public officials. The corrupt in the corrupt GOP just get more corrupt all the time and seem to be proud of it.
We need to hold onto the Senate in the meantime. It can be done but a lot more work needs to be done in those tight races.
We also need to lay the ground work for taking over the House in 2016. The DNC has done little to find and groom good candidates ever since Howard Dean left. It should be first priority now.
You can bet the RNC is looking for stealth candidates that they will present as an alternative to their own failed incumbents and lunatic TeaParty contenders. Heard Ann Wagner saying just this week in our local newspaper that she’s putting all her efforts into finding “acceptable” GOP candidates for Independents and women in districts across the country…not into serving her district.
She could be called on it if the DNC was paying any attention and ran a strong Democrat against her in the fall for a change. If nothing else, it would make her vulnerable in 2016 when the Hillary wave hits those districts that the GOP has come to take for granted as Republican.
We have never been a conservative nation; just a cleverly gerrymandered one of which the grip can be broken with the right infusion of organization and money. Those high profile campaigns get all the attention when the local races can give us the edge.