Discussion: GOP's Halbig Tantrum Is A Punitive Attack Out Of Soviet Communism

Discussion for article #225446

So the Rethugs are celebrating that things may get worse for the 99 percent? And they went out of their way, spending tons of 99-percenter money to make that come about? Who EVER could have predicted that might happen?

Is “actively wishing for, and working toward, America’s destruction” the same as “giving aid and comfort to America’s enemies”? Someone should research that.


"The two judges — both Republican appointees — admitted in their decision … "

… that they started with the result they wanted, and figured out how to get their ruling to support that outcome.


The Republicans are going to prove government is not the solution even if they have to destroy the country to get to that proof.


The extreme right and extreme left have often shared both ideological positions and personality traits. It is no coincidence that Cruz, Sr. was a pal of Castro’s before switching to the evangelical TP side, as so many of the origiinal neo-cons were once Stalinists.

That is why yours truly will remain in the center, not “splitting the difference”, but looking to always make incremental changes, examine the data as to how they work in the real world and then proceed forward. In case anyone wants the data on Obamacare, it is this-the largest drop in uninsured ever seen. Case closed.

Every GOP member of the House should be voted out this cycle. Five years of intentional damage to the country and the middle class in particular is more than enough. This sedition should be addressed as a RICO matter and dozens of colluding criminals brought to justice.

There’s a name for this strategy, and it doesn’t come from the Heritage Foundation (although the individual mandate did). It comes from Soviet Communism: “heighten the contradictions.” The idea is to root for, and even enable, bad outcomes of your ideological opponents’ power, in the hopes that these bad outcomes will convince people to rise up against your opponents. It’s a grim way to look at the world, but here we are.

And there you have it: The TP strategy in a nutshell – not just on ACA (“Let 'em die!”), but on immigration (“So what if we’re sending kids back to die?”), same-sex marriage (“Traditional marriage is DEAD!”), shutting down the government (“If Granny dies without getting her welfare check, it’s OBAMA’S fault!”), taxes (“These poor job creators’ businesses will DIE if we don’t give them more tax cuts!”), and any other aspect of life they disagree with Obama/the Left on – which is to say, EVERY aspect of life.


Speaking as a fellow “radical moderate”, we can’t forget the cost of those people being insured, which is WAY better than it was a couple of years ago – and that’s the REAL reason why the GOTP wants Halbrig to be the Hobby Lobby of the next SCOTUS session: The TP’s corporate enablers are “less rich”, and that makes them very, very angry!

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Here’s one thing that should have private insurance companies in states like Ohio very worried: If this ruling stands and is made nationwide through an affirmation by the SCOTUS then all the things that people like about the ACA, no limits on medical benefits, no denial of coverage for pre-existing conditions, children on parents’ medical insurance through age 26 will remain. What will be affected is the ability of insurance companies to spread the risk of such coverage through new customers. This has the potential to be a disaster for these companies.


They’ve been doing that for years.

I disagree strongly. Corporations have not been hurt in the slightest by Obamacare; quite the contrary. They already have been providing very good health insurance to their employees and their costs will likely decline. Insurance companies and pharma have done very well since Obamacare-check any stock chart if you don’t believe me. In fact, the reason I see little likelihood that Halbig will stand is precisely because those stocks did not go down at all when the decisions was announced. The smart money believes nothing will happen.

No, Obamacare, is very much pro-business. Those who oppose it are doing so strictly on ideology, not self-interest, which makes the opposition all the more idiotic.


The problem with splitting the difference is when things start with one side heavier, splitting the difference just make the heavier side get heavier. With income inequality increasing the past 30 years it will take more then splitting the difference to balance this ship.


This is perhaps the single best commentary I have ever read on TPM. Spot on and (sadly) hits the nail right on the head.


This Machiavellian attitude of the GOP is why I swore them off 15 years ago, despite being conservative on many issues.

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This has been the GOPs style as long as I can remember. They’d burn the country to the ground and salt the earth if they knew they could use the outcome to somehow make Democrats look bad. The only efficacy they have as a party anymore is a lock on the ability to spread propaganda to the uninformed dimwits that populate flyover states, who buy into the fear mongering and the idea that he who screams the loudest and looks the angriest is the one who must be right.

If the Halbig ruling is somehow upheld by higher courts, watch the GOP dance around in celebration as the economy crashes and millions lose their health insurance.


And that’s another reason why people have no confidence in the courts.


THe basic impulse beneath all the “conservative” persiflage is a desire to inflict pain (except for fetuses which may or may not feel it). It is the common theme of all the “policy” points of the wingnuttery and it is evident in the very tone of voice of such as the Rush-bag, Ingraham, etc.


Well, they need something to call victory. Otherwise, maybe they’d all kill themselves instead of us.

They will simply lobby Congress or even start their own lawsuit to remove those regulations, since they are not receiving the income associated with them.

They will, however, be mightily pissed that their shiney new revenue stream of government money is being dried up, however.

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10.3 million uninsured covered in the first enrollment period of PPACA…Think they would protest in the street over the gop bag activist rulings…

Call out the vile liars of the right wing cruel -gerry-rigged conmgressional cabal!

1.866.338.1015 or 1.866.220.0044