What these belligerently obtuse Trump zealots completely disregard is that while Cohen may lack scruples and be shady … the ONLY reason he is testifying is because of his connection to Trump - and as far as ‘connection’ - think servant - right-hand - personal assistant … jump in a time machine & see to it that he never met Trump … and then he never goes before Congress
Cohen — who is not exactly known for his witty repartee — fell back on that sort of dry, deadpan humor throughout the hearing, twisting leading remarks back on Republican questioners. (Informed he didn’t “know truth from falsehood,” Cohen cracked, “Are you referring to me or the President?”)
Cohen has a sense of humor, and is capable of both quick-thinking wit and self-deprecation. Who knew?
If the dumb son of a bitch would have let those better parts of his personality, plus the ability to tell right from wrong that he is now belatedly displaying, hold sway several years ago, he wouldn’t be in the stew that he currently finds himself. We might all be better off.
Reminds me of Bob Dole, who first spent an entire presidential election cycle tarnishing his legacy of public service and displaying a nasty, dour, attack-dog demeanor … and then, after losing the election to Bill C., he goes on SNL and shows that he’s actually funny.
I am amazed that these idiot members of the GOP can even sit down in a chair without using an instruction manual.
yeah … a thoughtful leader - posted this on his Facebook page -
“The free world… all of Christendom… is at war with Islamic horror. Not one penny of American treasure should be granted to any nation who harbors these heathen animals. Not a single radicalized Islamic suspect should be granted any measure of quarter. Their intended entry to the American homeland should be summarily denied. Every conceivable measure should be engaged to hunt them down. Hunt them, identity them, and kill them. Kill them all. For the sake of all that is good and righteous. Kill them all. -Captain Clay Higgins”
note the insightful advocacy of killing “suspects” - guess he just figures is more efficient to skip the part about possibly being innocent - or even being human beings
Most of them couldn’t pour pee out of a boot if they were told to read the instructions on the heel.
Jordan is super lame. Dying dinosaur.
Cohen did an excellent job of putting the GOP slugs in their place. They clearly did not do a good job of trying to portray him as insincere. Moreover, he is clearly smarter than Meadows and Jordan, Both of whom failed at every attempt to box him in. Cummings closing remarks eloquently captured the lunacy of the episodes examined by the committee which sadly illustrated how much Trump and his escapades have dragged all of us and especially those around him down.
yep … liars can generally recognize their own kind —
I interpreted the lack of a suit coat on Jim all the time to say, “I’m in such good shape, just look at my shoulders they burst through all of my suit jackets.”
The issue here is one of voter distribution. The GOP caucus represents extremely conservative districts that are predominantly in conservative states. Hence, they do not fear what the overall electorate thinks, only that distilled group of about 30-40% of voters. They have to act this way to keep their seats, but by acting this way they are essentially turning themselves into a regional party.
It’s not clear how telling all in public would help a book or movie deal. More likely the opposite, I would think…
Jordan has his ass handed to him by Cohen today. It was fascinating watching the R’s attempt to read from the "Cohen being a liar script’ as Cohen calmly pushed back. Now, Trump’s base won’t be swayed, but oh boy, did this go so against Trump. Nothing coming out of Hanoi will push this hearing from the headlines.
Oh, and Mr. Jordan. Once again, please note that every suit comes with a coat. For God’s sake, at least look like an adult. Put your suit coat on at a formal hearing.
Oh, one more thing. Are you ever going to give a legitimate answer to what you knew about abuse on the wrestling team? Just wondering. Or, are you just a liar?
If Trump’s Fixer is not to believed, why did Trump hire and then keep him for ten years?
Maybe Trump is just stupid.
What does that tell us about Donald Trump, his boss?
Oh, yes, there’s always a conspiracy. And, why the hell did any of them care that he was in DC to check out a book deal. What did any of this have to do with why Cohen was there to testify. He’s the guy they would have loved had not things fallen apart for Cohen and tRump. And, if you Rethugs think Cohen is a liar and a cheat, what the hell do they think tRump is. They can’t quite look past their noses.
Jordan’s outfit is known around here as Ohio Chic.
To all those representatives who wanted to argue that Cohen was doing all this testifying and going to jail to promote a book or movie deal and get rich, I would like to ask them if they would care to trade places with Cohen - since it’s such a great plan.
(Cohen - Hmmm - let’s see, lie to congress, plead guilty to multiple felonies, get sentenced to 3 years in jail, but in the end, I get this great book or movie deal - good plan – let’s go with it)
Congressman – would you be willing to trade. I suspect he would be willing to let you.
“I find the connecting of the dots here with — with Mr. Davis and you and frankly the chairman and perhaps others to be rather stunning. That there is an agenda for all this happening here today,
Jody Hice (R-GA).
Since this man was clearly born after the GOP House Hearings on Benghazi, and Devin Nunes’ Midnight Run to the White House, followed by the House Intelligence Committee’s premature ending of its investigation and issuing a White Wash report, someone nice and helpful should get Jody some crayons so he can connect all the dots and discover the agenda of all of the House Committees’ rat fuckery prior to this past January.