Discussion: GOPers React To FBI Looking Into More Clinton Emails: Great, But Late

More proof that GOPers are starving due to all of the nothing burgers Hillary’s server has served them.


I’m so sorry I have to vote for this self serving, money grubbing woman. I wish her and her oily husband would disappear from the scene. Now we get at least 4 years of bullshit investigations without a single piece of meaningful legislation passed. This is the best the Democrats could do? Quick, tell me who’s up next for the Dems. No? You can’t because for the party and their zombies it’s been Hillary and only Hillary since 2008. Uggh.

Prominent Republicans?

That is Hillary-ous.


Heck, Toomey, Rubio: Better late than never. We will take it. This is great.


Apparently Russian and American intelligence agencies CAN work together.


No Chaffetz. The FBI has not “reopened” the case. It is merely “reviewing” new emails it has since discovered. Now go look your 15 year old daughter in the eye and explain why you first unendorsed, then endorsed the apparent sexual predator running for prez when you discovered many Trump voters think groping women is the same as consensual sex if the groper is rich and powerful enough.


Does your bubble have a fire axe inside it? If so start chopping your way out!


Who’s counting after 40?

If we are so lucky to be able to say, Madame President, at our next inauguration, I expect to see some real asskicking, especially if The Senate goes blue. Of course, that is what this is mainly about.

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Oooooh, “Big Bad John” Cornyn, a.k.a. Milquetoast Cowboy. Now I’m really scared!


“The more we learn about Secretary Clinton’s use of a private email server, the clearer it becomes that she and her associates committed wrongdoing and jeopardized national security,” House Judiciary Chair Bob Goodlatte (R-VA) wrote in a statement.

You know what else jeopardized national security? Responding to attacks by Saudi and UAE citizens by taking Iraq to war. That directly led to the deaths of several hundred thousand people.

How’s the investigation into that coming along?


Yeah danny but it’s interesting that he is questioning the timing. I’m beginning to think Cornyn is a Bush Repug through and through and isn’t voting for HO.

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Anything a Democrat thinks is good will die in the House. The Democrats may have a 1 or 2 vote majority in the Senate, but only until 2018, and the Republicans can always peel off a couple conservative Democratic senators. In the face of 6 years of congressional obstruction the Dems put up the one person guaranteed to make it worse. Clever. I’d like a functioning government. I don’t see the Democrats leading the charge. You all just want to be able to say “Madame President”. Her term will be without legislative progress, and that was always obvious. But she’ll beat Trump and I’m grateful for that.

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Pete Williams quoting FBI sources as saying none of emails in question came from Clinton. Nothing burger indeed, but damage done, mission accomplished.


“Why is FBI doing this just 11 days before the election?”

Gee, I dunno, but I’ll take a guess: Republican hack trying to personally influence the outcome of said election.


Ya think?

I get that idea, yea.



…and Chaffetz RUNS to the microphones screaming VICTORY in an effort to deflect from the fact that he flipped and flopped on his Trump vote and cannot look his ‘daughter in the eye’ but don’t quote me…


It appears Jason Chaffetz just torpedoed the FBI director.