Typical though.
This is what minority rule looks like. And this is how you fight it. Start by showing up. The GOP has been trying to sell the horrors of ACA to people whom it has helped. That doesn’t work.
Does CO have open carry laws? I’ll bet they do.
What part of this man’s job does he not realize that he represents more that 4 people at a time?
To be a congressman, you need better skills in communicating and finding out what services your constituents needs. I saw people very concerned with what will happen to them and their insurance polices they have procured via the ObamaCare and this punk ass representative, would rather they not have health coverage because of his blind pledge to hate President Barrack Hussein Obama for LIFE!
What a pure ass!
Maybe some people are finally realizing only thing worse than Obamacare is not having it?
The Dems ought to push back hard with their own version of the Tea Party. Except they’ll actually have the truth on their side.
Sadly, people will appreciate PBO much more when he’s out of office.
That’s what a bunch of former Congressional staffer said. They put together a guide for community action called “Indivisible.”
You can find it here:
Not quite as bad as other places …
This is why you vote Democrat up and down the ballot. There may be a few Republicans who stand up to Peepee, but not like the Democrats they defeated would have. This is war, and trying to be all high-minded by voting for the occasional Republican is just stupid.
I’m out in a western/rural area … but just LOVE this shit ----
" Chickens come home to roost " … Ha hahahaha ! —
Lots of folks are coming around to the fact that they are waking up with MORE fear than what they had the last 8 yrs. …
And that they’ve elected a bunch of goons that don’t have the balls to fix it ! ----
We wanted to know when Trump and Pence would impeached and jailed to be prosecuted and hung for treason and spying for communist Russia!
Typical. These Tea Party clowns can dish it out by the truckload but can’t take a thimbleful in return.
Dig into these numbers when you are confronting your rep.
I’m a bit confused. Was the large angry crowd the result of the GOPers vow to stand up to Trump or was it the result of Trump and his GOP enablers being POS and undermining America?
That pussy congressman was afraid of being grabbed by constituents and so forced to answer questions from his employers. Sad!
Also deplorable…just as she meant it.
I’m surprised that a Republican Congressman actually met with his constituents, I’ve been through two elections with my current Congresswoman who has never held a community event, has never held a public rally for when she has run for three times, and has never participated in a League of Women Voter’s debate.
I’ve been to town halls with Sen. McCain and several of my former Congress (House side)critters. Even though some folks always disagreed with the Rep. pr Senator’s positions they never ran away from constituents or demanded to meet with only two or three at a time.
Coffman left “secretly” six minutes early, at 3:24 p.m.
A real “stand up” guy to Trump is a Coffman ® who stands up to Trump from miles away apparently.
The people are having fears and they want some answers —
And seeing as the GOP’s don’t have any reasonable ones … they run ! —