“But I still support the bigot, racist at the top of the ticket”, Sessions went on to say.
Better to remain silent…
“Everyone knows that Latinos aren’t gay…”
So, this wasn’t about teh geyes, or the Mooslims. It was about those damned illegals! This was just a deportation with extreme prejudice.
GOP Communication Director: “at the end of the day we’re all Americans”**
** except for LGBT, Women, Blacks, Browns, Non-Christians, Atheists, Agnostics, non-Real Americans, Pro-Obama, non-Birthers, anti-Confederates, any remaining non Whites etc.
Not. Too. Bright.
The G.O.P., collectively, has begun to wander into the “dull normal” range on the IQ scale. They’re all turning into Louie Gohmert.
****and leave no doubt.
Just like the shooting in a Charleston historic black church was a hate crime against Christians, not blacks.
Talk about living in an alternate, FOX News reality.
Wasn’t there a Latin night at the gay club? I think that’s what I read somewhere.
In that photo, he looks like the spoiled pouty rich kids in Ralph Lauren Polo ads about 20 years ago.
I never really believed in osmosis … until now ! —
“What my boss meant to say was that there weren’t only gay individuals at the club but people from all walks of life were present,” Boothe said.
The question was whether the shooting changed his position on a measure that would ban federal contractors from discriminating against LGBT individuals.
So, no, what your boss meant to say is hell no, he is a firm believer in discrimination against LGBT individuals, and he won’t lift a finger to end the hate. He’ll just use the tragedy for grandstanding and pretend it isn’t about homophobia, just like Republicans always do. Because: Jesus.
Rep. Pete Sessions (R-TX) reportedly argued Tuesday that Pulse, the
Orlando nightclub that on Sunday became the site of the worst mass
shooting in the nation’s history, was a “young person’s club” rather
than a gay club.
Behind door #3 we have…
Perhaps Mr Sessions might take the time to ask those that were there, or better yet the owners of the bar if it was a gay bar or not??? Hmmm???
Where is Buddy Cole when we need him?
@misterneutron I’d hafta say that ol’ Louie Gohmert is looking rather intelligent compared to Mr Sessions right about now. Consider that Louie has had the good sense to not say anything and remove all doubt.
Office staff takes bets on Sessions ability to walk and chew gum… Film at 11.
[quote]“It was a young person’s nightclub, I’m told. And there were some [LGBT ppl] there, but it was mostly Latinos”
Riiiiight, because Gay and Latino are mutually exclusive, right?
Besides, how could it be a gay bar if it had both a Men’s Room and a Ladies Room??
This kind of stupid can;t be cured.