Discussion: GOPer Sen. Cotton Defends Trump's Dirt Comments By Deflecting To Clinton

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weasely: adjective: Resembling or characteristic of a weasel. as in a weasely face: Pettily devious; misleading.


Another fucking traitor in a position of power. And he has an “R” after his name – what a surprise.

But her e-mails!!! Benghaziiiii!!! Vince Foster!!! Judge Crater!!! Pearl Harbor!!! The Hindenburg!!!

I hope I survive long enough to see these mofos – especially Traitor Turtle – get thrown out of Congress


“What people should not do is what Hillary Clinton and the Democrats did

Says the traitorous weasel who tried to sabotage his Commander-in-Chief by trashing Obama to the Ayatollah.


This is to be expected from Cotton.

what pisses me off is Brennan – letting Cotton lie flat out about Clinton.


He’s a fucking pencil-necked enabling traitor. What a punk.


I sure would like to hear from any of the troops that served directly under Cotton while in the Army, what they thought about his leadership skills or what they thought about him personally!




The “but everybody else does it” defense didn’t work with my mother and it doesn’t work with me (you lying weasel).


Good post. Accurate, succinct and focusing the attention to an actual rodent: Cotton


Although Clinton did not do what Cotton says she did, nor her campaign, I suppose it is okay by him because whatever she did, or didn’t do, she is a Democrat, and so by definition is always in the wrong. He and Trump, on the other hand, are Republicans, so no matter what they don’t do, or actually do, is always in the right. It is a rule that makes their lives so simple.



OT Bear in mind that the person Cotton still supports has been red-flagged by a number of serious government officials charged with protecting our national security
 In this case tribalism outweighs objective reality


That whole Christopher Steele thing was a debacle. As much as I loathe Tom Cotton, I feel he has a point. Or maybe I just don’t understand how that was different.


O the but her emails game, it will be as successful as the 11 hour Benghazi hearing at deflection.


See, that’s the great thing about a – still aspirational, in this case – totalitarianism. You don’t need a rational basis to convict your opponents.

The Senator from Arkansas is speaking to his base, and the members of his base all know (never mind any pinko liberal notions like facts or due process) that Hillary should be locked up. Because she’s guilty of 
 well, it doesn’t matter. FOX and Mister President Trump say so, and therefore it is True.

We can invent the name of the crime later, as and when required. Doesn’t matter if it’s Rowdytum (East Germany), hooliganism (Soviet and contemporary Russian law), spontaneous Bukharinism (Stalinism), or Clintonism in the First Degree (coming soon to a show trial near you).

All we need to do is eliminate, delegitimize, or cow into submission all these pesky checks and balances.

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Ok,here is the difference,and it is huge.One is illegal,the other is legal. Under campaign finance law, it is illegal to to accept anything of value from a foreign govt. or entity,which team trump blatantly did. For free.
It is NOT illegal to pay for opposition research, which Marco Rubio did when he
paid Fusion GPS to get dirt on trump. Fusion GPS in turn contacted Chris Steele.
Six months later,when Rubio dropped out of the race,Hillary’s team got the dossier. Steele was ex British intel., our main ally. Trump got his dirt for FREE from Russia,NOT an ally.


The whole story began with a Republican donor hiring Fusion GPS. I don’t think any od the information got to or was used by the campaign. In any event it did not matter because Trump won. But you are correct Republicans use this as a talking point even though their candidate won. It is all very slimy. Steele gave the information to the FBI.


More lies by a white male GOPer about a woman.

How surprising


kitty: Why is telling the truth a debacle?

Isn’t this a case of shoot the messenger, like the Conman’s rant against the NYT today?

Shoot the messenger is all that the Conman can do nowadays, except for lying all the time.

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So Sen. Cotton is a member of the Law & Order Party, and what does he do, he deflects to Clinton and the Steele dossier which is totally not the question or scenario that is being talked about. And let’s add that Ellen Weintraub, as head of the FEC, has put out a public statement on the legality of taking dirt from a foreign government, and which Cotton as an attorney uses weaselly attorney words to not answer the question that was asked.

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