Discussion: GOPer On SCOTUS Shortlister: 'I'll Consider,' But 'Decision Has Already Been Made'

Discussion for article #247391

I’ll consider them by my constitutional responsibilities,

I follow the constitution and that is all that matters. My leadership doesn’t have to honor their constitutional responsibilities nor can I force them to. I am proud of them though as they are standing by the tyrant black Obama.


“My stand on this doesn’t rise on the merits of the individual. It’s the procedure. And you’ve got to let the people decide,” Sen. Pat Roberts told National Law Journal last week.

Unless the people pick a Black Democrat for President, then we’ll bypass him and wait till the next go around.


I’m impressed that Roberts could say that with a straight face. The procedure is that the president shall nominate and the senate shall advise and either consent or not. Refusing to do so is pretty much spitting on the constitution as hard as you can.


If we had a political press corps worth its salt, the Republican move to prevent, indeed, to not even make a pretense of considering, the President’s SC nominee would be getting loudly pilloried every day. Instead, it’s just shoulder-shrugging, both sides do it, both sides are the same-ism.

The political culture gets degraded every year with GOP antics. Filibusters as a matter of routine, refusing to move nominees in many vital departments, refusing to even meet with the White House budget team.

And there never seems to be a price paid by these right-wing creeps.


Not Governing IS A Form OF governing, LIBtard.


“It’s the procedure. And you’ve got to let the people decide.”

What an idiot. The procedure is pretty well defined in this thing called the Constitution. It is his responsibility as a senator to advise and consent, not to pass the buck to an ill informed electorate.


Republicans are much better at this game than Democrats and have the benefit of their base voting in every election as opposed to Democrats who seem only able to GOTV in presidential election years.

By coming out so early and so hard, the GOP have scarred off the best potential nominees – people who really want to be on the court and have a legit shot don’t want to have their reputations and careers ruined in a partisan storm.

But the GOP also know they are really vulnerable here. They have 24 seats to defend to the Democrats 10, and 10 of those GOP seats are vulnerable. Their presidential nominee is a disaster waiting to happen. They can easily loose the Senate for 2 years or 6 if Democrats are lucky.

The public sees this BS for what it is and are ready to blame the GOP. Obama and Reid need to ram this nominee down their throats from now thru the November election.

A few years ago, Obama may very well have capitulated. He seems to have a fighting spirit these days. Lets hope so.


Not Governing IS A Form OF governing.

Deep thoughts by Jack Handey.


but it’s my understanding there will be no hearings, there will be no meetings," he said Monday. “So I think the likelihood of [hearings] happening is nil.”

Hopefully the people of Kansas will remember that leadership is all about dissembling and pointing the other way. Perhaps they should have the Republican Party leadership on their ballot instead of a candidate from their state, because, ya’ know their candidates all received the memo and how can you disagree with that?

What a bunch of freakin’ cowards. It is the Constitution you nimrods. If you can’t follow that then resign.


You nailed it. That is precisely how the media acts. Plus “The president is black so we have to give the GOP at least equal consideration. Probably more.”


Well, If they do not have meetings or consider a good candidate, they might miss out on the chance of getting a good justice in the court.
If they lose Senate control, they may regret the nominee of the new POTUS.


The “people” decided in 2008, by more than 5 Million votes. And thanks to this obstruction, which will unite the Democrats (along with the proto-fascist Drumpf), and leave Hillary Clinton to choose Scalia’s successor (and have it heard by a Democratically controlled Senate). Thanks Obama!


That’s right: the Princes of Capitol Hill have already decided amongst themselves.

But Obama is a tyrant who always acts like a king.


the late Justice Antinon Scalia

I’m pro non-Scalia, myself.


Yes. Both sides are at fault. The Dems “disrupt” Trump rallies by peaceably assembling and wearing their anti-Trump shirts, all while being black, and in some cases even shouting out. The other side is exhorted by their candidate to have the First Amendmenters “carried out on stretchers” and “punched in the face” resulting in Trump bullies punching people in the face. But for the stark difference between what both sides are doing, what they do would all be absolutely equivalent.

Ineffectual Senator (Milton of Office Space) Pat Roberts:
“I was told I would be able to not ask questions from my new office in the Senate crawl space. Then someone took my stapler. I could set this whole building on fire now…”


Today’s mantra: cowards, hypocrites and lairs…oh my.

Oh, get a brain!

“…but Mom! They made me do it!”