Discussion: GOPer Florida Republicans Expected To Run For Rubio's Seat Opts Out

Discussion for article #235226

I don’t think that Grayson is always on the side of liberals. He is against the Iran deal siding with Corker and Schumer.



Murphy’s not a perfect candidate, but I think he has a solid shot.

Grayson has personal baggage and is a bomb-thrower who can make a spot-on point like no one else but I don’t feel he’s Senate material (whatever that means these days) and I can’t see him winning a state-wide election.


I did not know that … thank you.


Maybe this is a sign that Rubio is going to announce that he us not running for President but for re-election instead. I think it would be a good move. His plan of being the conservative alternative to the establishment candidate is gone with Cruz, Paul and Walker in the race.

He can’t count on Florida because of Bush, so I don’t see a pathway to the nomination.


Murphy is somewhat of a Blue Dog Dem, but he did beat Tea Party firebrand Allen West in 2012, despite the millions in out-of-state contributions West had received.

He might have a shot in a presidential year. And I share your misgivings about Grayson.


Grayson can’t win statewide.


He is, and pretty much always has been since the immigration bill, running for VP. And if I were to read between the lines on this announcement, its that Rubio is going to run for both, despite his protests to the contrary.

His best bet for getting the VP selection is if Walker wins the nomination. Bush has no use for him, Cruz has very little use for him and Paul will be one of the first to bow out.

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Oh right, Rubio is pretending to run.

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If DickScott runs I’ll laugh. If he wins, I’ll move.

e-jebbie sews another pair of pant legs shut.

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True. Grayson would be an almost guaranteed loss of a very winnable seat.

Whether or not he runs for president Rubio isn’t really running for president. He’s running for VP. And I’m guessing he’s seeing the writing on the wall and realizes he has a better chance at getting that job than keeping the one he’s got.


Any kin to Lee Atwater?..anyway, the seat will not be vacated by “President Rubio”.


Rubio will not be the VP either no matter who wins. Susana Martinez is the most likely VP candidate.

Rubio was so 2010-2012. Cruz is now the candidate of the right.

As a Florida Republican, Atwater’s bound to have something suspicious in his background he’s afraid would be revealed by a run for higher office … not that that really makes a difference down in the SunShit State.

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I was thinking the same thing.