Discussion: GOPer DeMaio's Top Staffer: If Person Is Young Or Black, Likely A Tracker

Discussion for article #228959

It’s pretty bad when people are starting to plagiarize the plagiarizer," said Todd Bosnich, the staffer who would eventually accuse DeMaio of sexual harassment

So, if a young, curious black kid had exposed himself to either man…

TheY can Also BE MACACAs. But MAcaCAs are MOre BRowN than Black. STOp the BLACKs and MAcacas FROm FOLLOWIng RepubLICAN candIDates and TAKing THEIr SPEeCH out OF cONtext!!!1!!1!1!!1!one!!!1!!!


His young, black, scary self … ???


Not ONLy wiLL the BLAck be A SNEAKY traCKer, HE mIGHt EveN have EBOLy


So they think attendees are trackers if they’re young? Especially if they are up early on a Saturday, and talkative? Frankly, they are probably right about this. Is this supposed to be news? They did remove the “black” identifier, but even if they hadn’t I don’t see anything here.

Well, he’s right.

How many young black people are fans of the Tea Party?

He’s probably right in his racial profile. I mean, why else would a young Black person be following a Republican campaign. It’s not like that party has been very welcoming to that particular demographic.

How’s that youth / minority outreach program working, guys?

Hashtag: Outreach!


Well, I think the the frank admission that the GOP is the party of old white people and has made itself so utterly odious to young people and black people that the presence of either at one of their rallies is explainable only by them being oppo researchers is kind of newsworthy.


They’re just looking for the easy pickins’. Young and/or black are not exactly the normal demographic at repub events.

Other flags:
“Don’t Tread On Me” flag - loyal GOTP member
Confederate flag - patriot from the baseland
American flag - true American (but could be Secret Service, so ask)

But what would be the Democratic tracker’s descriptive be? White young people showing up early dressed like they are going to church? There are plenty of them around.

I mean, who would Republicans get to work for them? They have enough YOUNG REPUBLICANS to do oppo research. We all do it. The fact that they suspect young whites and also use young whites is not surprising. So what?