Discussion for article #242544
"NOAA needs to come clean about why they altered the data to get the results they needed to advance this administration’s extreme climate change agenda,” Smith said in a statement, according to Nature.
Ah yes, the good congressman isn’t coming to the hearings with a pre-conceived verdict … oh no, not at all.
Shorter NOAA: Go suck an egg Lamar.
Lamar Smith is the man for whom the word “shitheel” was coined.
"“Singling out specific research studies, and implicitly questioning the integrity of the researchers conducting those studies, can be viewed as a form of intimidation that could deter scientists from freely carrying out research on important national challenges,”
That would be the whole point, yes. Feature, not a bug.
In fact, if these internal memos, etc., become public, I wouldn’t be surprised if one of them contains warnings or sentiment that they expect to be investigated by the GOP for publishing data and conclusions the GOP predictably wouldn’t like at all. The GOP/Teatrolls will then have that person as a witness and say “AH HA!!! SEE!!! YOU KNEW YOU WERE ENGAGED IN WRONGDOING!!!” The poor scientist guy will then have to say “No, I was expressing my concern that, knowing the GOP controls the House and knowing how much they deny climate change, I’d end up sitting in this very chair facing these very accusations for simply reporting what I believed is the truth and good science.” Of course, he’ll never get through that sentence because the Teatrolls know that’s his answer and will interrupt and scold and berate him to prevent him from every getting it on the record. This all plays out exactly how you can imagine it and, frankly, I’m not sure it’s good tv anymore.
I’ve just about come to the conclusion that the Republican Party’s death spiral is irreversible. This isn’t just a McCarthy-like witchhunt against political enemies, it’s an attack on the process of science itself. And who within the party is still trying to defend rational thought processes? - Lindsey Graham? - George Pataki?
Even corrupt observers can swallow only so much. Just as you saw the national media abruptly change its mind on the Benghazi hearings, you’ll probably get to a point in the not-distant future at which Paul Krugman’s serious people stop pretending that these guys are a responsible, capable political party.
Next step is to subpoena the CDC.
“Because the confidentiality of these communications among scientists is essential to frank discourse among scientists, those documents were not provided to the Committee,” the agency said, according to Nature. “It is a long-standing practice in the scientific community to protect the confidentiality of deliberative scientific discussions.”
If Rep. Lamar Smith had any experience in pretty much ANY field of science, he’d respect this statement, because it is true across the board. Gee, I’ve even heard Congresspersons such as himself make similar statements.
How can they claim data was altered if they don’t have it yet?
I know I know… Its like Eric Cartman is running things, "respect my authoritah!!!)
Anyone else notice that Smith’s hair is enhanced by science. I’m sure his dick is too
No truer words have been spoken. These people, while they still wield even a modicum of power, are dangerous to human society evolution.
This is nothing short of bully type intimidation. Lamar Smith knows that climate scientist have been targeted by mobs of the right wing fringe with nothing short of death threats in some instances. This is an attack on scientists in general. Smith would do better to investigate something that has some pertinence but that would be doing his job…and cant have that
Bet that there are more than a few “lumps of coal” in Lamar’s pockets ----
As much as I’d like it to be true, I have to disagree with you on drawing that conclusion from your second sentence. They’ve been that way for decades, and if anything it’s improved their electoral results.
God, why do I have to keep pointing this out?
Texas + Republican = climate denying asshole.
They have insulted so many good people in all walks of life, they won’t even know what direction the s**tstorm is coming from.
I think Lamar should look into whoever sold him that toupee.
Lamar Smith needs to come clean about exactly when he stopped beating his wife. His refusal to indicate the date and time is clear evidence he is still beating her. Admit it, Lamar!
Smith is a classic example of an astoundingly ignorant person regarding science…and they flaunt it as if it is a good thing. One has to wonder how he graduated high school. Seriously. Basic science is taught in elementary and high school, specifically the scientific method. There is no way he could graduate without doing lab reports, etc. Unless he is just blustering for the demagoguery and the false-equivalency kings in the media…oh, wait.